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S O P H I A | secrets out

"I just hope you know that your girlfriend is nothing but a knocked up slut." Eloise's words turn me to stone. A consuming ringing noise picks up in my head. 

No. This isn't happening. Breathe Sophia.

"What the hell are you talking about, you have no right to say that about her." Carter's eyes scream fury, he balls his fists, resisting the urge to fight back against his morals and punch her. 

Everyone else looks terrified and confused. I keep my eyes trained on the floor. Liam and Paige are dead silent, frozen from the fear as well. Usually Liam would be getting defensive but Eloise just brought up the one thing that paralyzes us. 

This is exactly what we've been running from for the past year. My past is like a loose thread, once you start pulling, it will all unravel until you're just left with a messy ball of secrets, pain, and emotional trauma.

"Well did you know that Sophia was raped?" Eloise sneers. That's when I see the stack of files in her hands. It's all falling down right now. 

This is where my perfect world ends. The dream that I was chasing, that I actually thought I could live is over.

"Eloise you're insane, now leave." I appreciate Chloe standing up for me but it's no use. I should be screaming at Eloise, shoving her ass out the door. Instead I'm avoiding everyone's gaze like a coward.

"Don't believe me, look." How the fuck did she get my medical records? The tears begin to pour down my eyes silently. I see the group crowd around the stack of papers. "These aren't real." Claire says in disbelief.

Carter runs over to me. "Sophia, you don't have to say anything, you know that."

Why does the universe hate me so much? I can't catch a fucking break. 

"Wait, it's true?" Maddie chokes out. "Tell them. I can't." I say to Carter. He looks at Liam for assurance, but Liam is too busy glaring at Eloise. With a pained expression Carter nods. I see Claire bury her head in Hunter's shoulder, muffled cries come from Maddie and Kia. Even Hunter and Leo look on the verge of tears.

"That's not the only thing." I have never wanted to punch someone more than I want to punch Eloise at this moment. Why is she doing this? Is this because I'm with Carter?

That's when she throws it onto the table. The ultrasound pictures, the medical bills, the appointments, the physical proof. All the proof of her

Then Carter breaks away from me, taking in what's in front of him. I can literally feel everyone slowly slipping away as they read each page. Collective gasps come from around the room. I don't bother looking up, I'm too ashamed.

I know I've already ruined every bond and connection I've made in this room. They know me now. The real me. The disgusting stupid slut who got knocked up by her rapist.

"Soph..." Carter looks hurt, but not for him. For me. It's like he's feeling my pain for me.

Eloise lets out a cold laugh, "Got something to say for yourself, mommy?"

No one can react because we are all alarmed at the sound of Paige. She lets out a loud yell before striding in anger straight towards Eloise.

I expect Liam to hold her back but he doesn't. He just stands there allowing Paige to attach herself onto Eloise's model body. She doesn't quite tackle her, just yells in her face. Paige is a fighter. 

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you? Are you that insecure and jealous that you had to dig up something that you had no right looking into in the first place." She shouts.

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