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C A R T E R | janitor closet secrets

"Are you okay to go to school today?" My ma leans against the door frame not pleased that I'm still home. I nod even though I would much rather stay here out of humiliation. 

"Well then get your ass up or you're going to be late."

After pouting in my bed for 5 more minutes I take a deep breath and get up. My face is okay now. I still have some light bruising but nothing too noticeable. My stomach is still sore and I still keep it wrapped up.

Chloe gives me a ride to school because it's probably not the best idea to ride my motorcycle. "So in case you were wondering, Sophia doesn't miss you." She says casually, taking a puff from her puff bar. It fills up the car with a disgusting, artificial cotton candy scent. 

I purse my lips, "Haha very funny, do you like seeing me in pain?"

She chuckles, "I take pleasure in your pain." Which makes me scoff. When we enter school I'm glad that no one looks at me. It's also a little surprising. I thought Brent and his buddies would've bragged to anyone who would listen. 

He beat the shit out of Carter Marquez, but I guess he decided to not tell people. When he got into a fight at a frat party he wouldn't shut up about it for weeks. It might be because I got a few good punches in too.

At lunch Eloise and Gavin won't shut up about their stupid auditions.

Not going to lie, Gavin is actually a pretty good singer, Eloise not so much.

The girl cannot carry a tune. Her inflated ego that I'm now seeing usually ends up taking over her. I have to block out their yapping, they're so narcissistic and annoying to listen to. Hunter asks me everyday why we sit within 20 feet of them. He honestly hates them more than I do.

Alexa then runs up to Eloise, freaking out, "Anthony isn't answering his phone. I called him twenty times." I roll my eyes.

I swear to God if she starts crying, I'm throwing my fries at her and I don't know her that well so it would be pretty awkward.

"Doesn't she know that after three times you are an obsessive whore?" Chloe whispers. I chuckle under my breath.

"You know I saw Sophia leave around back, Carter, did you tell her about the swing?" Hunter punches my arm. I put my hands up in defense. The swing behind the school is something only few people know about. It's also a common hookup spot for people.

"Step one, go talk to her again." He tells me. I roll my eyes.

"The last three times I tried to just talk to her, I got vodka thrown at my face, my ass almost kicked by her older brother, and basically a really awkward and passive aggressive rejection."

I'm still trying to decide if all of that was worth it. 

God, who am I? I've never talked about someone like that before. Not even Eloise. I guess Sophia has that effect on me. 

"If you don't succeed, try, try again." I groan at his corny attempt at a pep talk.

"Hunter, those inspirational speech meetings that your mom makes you go to on Sundays are total bullshit." I say as I get up.

"Go get 'em tiger!" He yells in the distance.

I breathe before I walk, I have no idea what I'm going to say. Stepping carefully I follow the usual path that Hunter, Leo, Chloe, and I discovered freshman year. The first thing I see is her gorgeous caramel hair swinging with her, next I hear a voice.

One of the most angelic voices I've ever heard. It took me a minute to realize it was Sophia singing. She's really good. Everything about her is beautiful. It's mesmerizing, the lyrics clearly hit her, she sings with grace and emotion.

The song ends and she sighs. She grabs a notebook from her bag and starts humming the tune to herself. I start laughing, mostly to get her attention. She turns around and her cheeks turn bright red.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" She slams her notebook closed.

"Wow, some voice you have." I try to compliment her but she's not amused.

I wink at her, just because. She tucks her hair behind her ear, adjusts her dress, picks at her nails, doing everything to avoid my compliment. I'm doing the exact opposite of what Hunter told me to do but this is too easy.

He told me to basically not be a jackass, or in his words, "My usual self."

"Oh Carter, thank you for the compliment, you're so amazing, I love you so much." I mock her voice, but she's not amused.

"You're an asshole." She glares at me but it's cute. I've gone off track. I can't remember what I was going to say.

"Have you thought over my offer?" She nods. "Look Carter I just don't know how to trust you, I've been hurt by guys like you before."

Am I hearing this right, or am I confused? She stands up. "Everything after that was all my fault, seriously let me fix this." I reach out my hand.

"I don't know Carter, I need time to think. This is messing with my head, which is not good for an audition, we have to get to class." She walks off. 

More like stomps off. I smack myself in the forehead. "Stupid." I mutter. Fuck Hunter and his dumb quotes. Ugh. I really need to stop listening to him. He hasn't had a good idea since 6th grade.

I should've given her more time, I kind of ambushed her. 

While I'm walking to class, I start mindlessly looking on my phone. I open a door to what I think is my class.

Oh how wrong I was. The sight in front of me was definitely shocking.

I opened what looks like a broom closet. Anthony and Claire hooking up in the janitor's closet. When I catch them, Claire is picked up by Anthony and they are both shirtless.

"Woah, damn, does Alexa know?" I joke and they both look angry and embarrassed.

Claire looks like she's about to cry, humiliated. She rushes out and past me. I walk off hooting. Alexa was right to be freaked out. Maybe those 20 calls were necessary after all. 


Author's Note:

Okay, so this was a short chapter but it gets good just wait. The next chapter is also a filler but whatevs. 

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