ACT THREE / a new grand master

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Later that night, after you all had returned to Liones and were settled in, you were awakened from your rest by a timid knock at your front door. You blinked the sleep from your eyes, wondering who it could be at this time of night.

You grabbed your rapier as a precaution, a spell on your lips, and opened the door. To your surprise and relief, it was Elizabeth. "May I come in?"

"Uh, of course," you said, stepping aside and setting your rapier down. She kept her slippers on as she came in, and you figured from her attire that she had just woken up. "What are you doing all the way out here? Will your family not notice that you're gone?"

"I couldn't sleep," she admitted. "So many things on my mind...I would have gone to Meliodas, but they're things he probably knows, and I feel like I'm burdening him too much with my thoughts. As for my family, I didn't even think about that. You're just the first person that came to mind. I'm sorry if this is an inconvenience, I can leave if you'd like--"

You put your hand on her shoulder. "Elizabeth, you say these things like we're not friends," you said with a smile. "Really, it's alright. Take a seat, and I'll heat up some tea."

She murmured a thanks and sat down at the simple dining table in the living room. You busied yourself with putting water into a kettle and setting it on the furnace. "I've been wondering. Is it scary living by yourself?"

You placed your fingertips on your throat. The bruises from Caelum's attack had faded, but in the dead of night, sometimes you could still feel his hands around your throat, could still see the hatred on his face. Those were the nights where you stayed up until the sunrise. "Sometimes. When I'm not scared of being alone, though, it's nice having this sort of silence. Especially after traveling around with the Sins so much."

She giggled. "Yes, they can be a little too rambunctious sometimes." You nodded and took two packets of chamomile tea from a cabinet, figuring that Elizabeth needed something to calm her nerves. "How often are you scared of being alone, though?"

You flinched and almost dropped one of the packets. You tried to hide your slip-up with a laugh. "Well, that's an odd question."

Even without facing her, you knew she had noticed. There was a noticeable change in her tone as she said your name slowly, and your shoulders slumped.

"A little more often than I care to admit. But, well, Howzer is right down the road, and if something truly terrible happens, I can always find the Sins. When it's hard to sleep at night, those kinds of thoughts comfort me."

You set two cups of tea down on the table and sat across from Elizabeth. She wrapped her hands around the cup and let out a little sigh, bowing her head.

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