ACT THREE / these revelations

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important reminders:

-MC's power level is 7,115; they are gender neutral (hopefully appearance is ambiguous too for POC readers); and they got a new magic from the Celestial King called Meteor (yes it is literally Jellal from Fairy Tail's magic lol)

-the Aeoli are now the Nebulae (singular: Nebula), ruled by Queen Skia (also the ruler of the sky) who is related to MC through Mama. conclusion: you are royalty :)

-MC's little brother was named Orion

don't mind my previous mistakes in thinking Liones was only the town's name and that Elaine had been killed when Melascula "died" LMAO


A few days after the reunion of the Seven Deadly Sins and Gowther regaining his memories, you accompanied Elizabeth and Diane to check on Elaine in the newly renovated Boar's Hat Tavern. It had been a relief to find out she was okay after that mess one month ago, but it made you a little resentful that Mama hadn't stayed alive as well.

Still, as you walked in and saw Elaine sitting on a chair with a pleasant smile, it was hard to keep those sentiments. You returned her smile and stood with Elizabeth and Diane, letting them take the reins of the conversation.

"Elaine, is your body okay?" Diane asked.

"Yes," she replied. Her hands covered the title of the book in her lap, but you recognized the cover as that of your favorite novel. "Since my soul is tied to my body by a forbidden technique, it's nowhere near what it was before, but..."

"It's a relief that you're still here," you said.

She nodded with an airy laugh. "By the way, Diane, what's the situation in the Fairy King's Forest?"

"Well, a lot happened, but everyone is fine!" Diane said cheerfully. She gasped and pumped her fists. "That's right, King and I went to Britannia 3,000 years in the past"--she turned to Elizabeth--"and we ran into the captain back then, as well as an Elizabeth who looked just like you!"

You glanced at Elizabeth. You weren't sure what you expected, but it wasn't a look of surprise and borderline trepidation. Diane and Elaine didn't seem to notice, continuing to chat with enthusiasm.

After talking with Elaine for a little longer, Diane and Elizabeth left to attend to their own duties. As you turned to follow, Elaine said your name softly, and you looked back. Her furrowed brows and pinched lips made you return to her side.

"Is something the matter?"

"I don't know how to say this without sounding bratty." She looked at the floor, as if gathering courage, and made eye contact with you. "You and Ban are really close, aren't you?"

You flinched. That wasn't what you expected. "It depends on how you would define that."

She laughed and rubbed the back of her head. "It's awkward to voice my thoughts. While I was in the Necropolis, I always checked up on Ban. I needed to make sure he was still living, even after I died. Once he made it to Liones, once he met you...he seemed so happy. And for a while, I was scared he might have forgotten about me."

"Oh..." You frowned. "By definition, I suppose we 'dated.' But through everything, he was so focused on getting you back. The love he had for you was far deeper than anything he felt for me."

"Maybe to you." Her smile turned wistful and she closed her eyes. "I'm a little jealous, but I know it's silly. After all, it's like nothing changed. But I wanted to thank you, for giving him something to live for, even for just a few years. When he was in a dark place, you showed him the light. You have always been there for him. I'm grateful."

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