ACT THREE / tempest

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Melascula narrowed her eyes and bared her broken fangs. You had yet to move from your spot, and your inaction seemed to give her a surge of confidence. "That sudden burst of power was quite the shock, but no matter. You're still no match for me!"

Gowther raised his hand. "She's lying."

Harlequin clutched Chastiefol close to his chest. "Yeah, no kidding. If I were Melascula, I'd be scared out of my mind right now, too."

Ban curled his hands into fists and turned desperately to Merlin. "Wait, said that, to them, all that matters is raining hell on Melascula. Does that mean they're not going to stop until they kill her?"

Melascula's pupils dilated as you began to float toward her. The rain wasn't consistent in the way it hit your skin; sometimes, it landed and rolled off, and other times, it phased through. The effect was eerie, making it seem as though you were a ghost coming in and out of existence.

 A faint tremor settled across her body, and she inched back. "Y-You know what killing me means, don't you?" Melascula demanded. "That Fairy girl of yours will die alongside me! You wouldn't force one of your friends, your companions, to suffer such a fate, would you?"

In answer, you raised your arms over your head. Cyclones formed around them. You shot down toward Melascula and crossed them in an X. She cried out as the spell carved a deep gash into the side of her torso, spilling blood. She snapped her tail at you, but you batted it aside, shortening the length even further. 

"You're insane!" Melascula cried. "Would you really kill me, even if it means killing her?"

You hummed. A smile came across your lips, completely devoid of humor. "I think so."

After a moment of tension, Melascula sucked in a breath. "I hate to admit it, but I need to withdraw for now." 

As she attempted to flee, you snapped your fingers and pointed at a spot in her trajectory.

"Scorpio's Kiss."

A blinding white starburst exploded in front of Melascula, searing the front of her face and severely burning her eyes. The rain met her burns, and steam billowed up into the air. She screeched and reared back. You took advantage of her pause to cast Meteor. A mere second later, you lighted on top of Melascula's head.

You brought your fist up. Light gathered around it. With a grunt, you drove it into Melascula's skull, creating a dent. She gagged and bucked, throwing you off. She turned to face you, swaying back and forth, one pupil more dilated than the other.

"W-What are you?" she demanded. "This kind of power should never exist in such a weak race...This can't be happening!"

She tried to attack you with Deadly Poison, but you gathered wind around your palm and batted it aside as though it were nothing. Merlin snapped her fingers, erasing the poison before it hit any of your friends. Her eyes were narrowed and calculated.

You made a complicated series of gestures with your hands, ending with your fingers pointed like guns at Melascula. Wind swirled from your elbows down toward your hands, gathering in a fine point at your fingertips.

Ban grit his teeth together and jumped out in front of you, blocking you from getting a clear shot at Melascula. "Stop it! You're going to end Elaine's life if you end Melascula's!"

You clicked your tongue in annoyance and kicked your right leg out. A gust of wind knocked Ban back. Diane caught him before he could smash into a building. They both looked at you in borderline fear, although you paid them no mind.

Elaine floated next to you, her gaze wavering between you, Melascula, and Ban. As her eyes lighted on him, she smiled and sadly shook her head.

He let out a choked gasp. "Elaine..."

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