ACT TWO / signs of a storm

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okay so now that this is becoming gender neutral i'd like to say: when i say "bodysuit" i mean, like, the leotards that dancers wear, NOT THE LINGERIE SHIT


You swung your shoulder as you exited the Cave of Trials, faint bruises lining your skin. You were stripped down to the black bodysuit you wore under your armor, a wooden club in your dominant hand. It was odd wearing something so skintight, but you had to admit, you felt a little more comfortable in your own skin.

The brightness outside was blinding. You shielded your eyes. When your vision cleared, you saw Hendrickson standing in front of a familiar group of people.

"Hey!" you exclaimed with a wide grin. "It's been a while."

Jenna waved. Both of you ignored the waves of malice rolling off Harlequin and the others. "I think that's the fastest you've come out," she said. "I'm rather impressed. I guess I should have expected it from one of the Ancient races, though."

You winked and came to stand next to Hendrickson.

Harlequin summoned Chastiefol. Before he could attack, Hendrickson passed out and fell.

Jenna sighed. "Oh, man. What a pathetic little boy." She turned to Harlequin, who still had a murderous glare in his eyes. "I know why you people have a grudge against this boy, but since he's back to normal now, won't you put aside your anger for my sake?"

Harlequin didn't speak. You floated to him and hugged him. He brought his arms up to wrap around you, but his gaze never left Hendrickson's unconscious form.

"Look!" an unfamiliar purple-eyed man said. "There's still something..."

They turned to look at something that had come out with you and Hendrickson. "What is that?" Slader asked. "A tattered rag?"

"No!" Hawk trotted toward the 'rag.' "This moderately scorched, delicious smell! My guess is that it's Druid scraps!"

He slowed and reared back in surprise. "I-It's not scraps, and it's not a tattered rag, either! These guys are...the Tattered Trio!"

You pulled away from Harlequin, barely stifling a laugh. "That's one way to put it."

You waited for Jenna to revive Gilthunder, Howzer, and Griamore. She stood over them with her hands outstretched and a look of concentration.

Gilthunder's eyes snapped open, followed closely by the other two. He was the first to sit up, wincing as he moved. "Ouch. I could've sworn we were inside the Cave of Trials just a moment ago." Howzer got up as well, holding his head. "When did you all arrive in Istar?"

A puff of steam escaped Hawk's snout. "If I'd been even one second late realizing it was you guys, you would've been history, Little Gil!"

Gilthunder seemed at a loss for words. "Thanks, Hawk."


"S-Sir Hawk!"

You walked over to the stranger. "What's your name?" you asked, holding your hand out.

He accepted your hand and shook it with a firm grip. "I'm Arthur Pendragon, King of Camelot," he said with a confident smile. You had to admit, he was rather cute.

You introduced yourself. "King Bartra told me about a threat closing in on Camelot. I assume you fared well against it?"

"Yeah," he said, rubbing the back of his head. "I didn't really do much. Sir Meliodas was the main hero."

renegade (seven deadly sins)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz