ACT THREE / meteor shower

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whoooaaa hi again!!! sorry for falling off the face of the earth for a while... lots of things happened & i think i mentioned this in another fanfic, but i ended up losing motivation to write. & yet, here we are!!!

unsure as to how often i'll be updating since i'm using this as a way to pass the time, but rest assured that i'll try my hardest to get this finished. now, then... enjoy!


You, Gowther, Diane, and Harlequin split up to find out what was going on. With day turning to night, and this horrific magic energy fast approaching, there was no telling who or what was heading your way.

Soon, you felt that energy centered back at the Tavern, and you cursed that you had fallen for such a simple trick. "Go back!" you yelled. "They're in danger!"

"On it!"

Diane got there first. The moment she was close enough, she drove her hand through the side of the tavern and retrieved Elizabeth and Meliodas. Harlequin arrived shortly after, followed by you, Gowther dangling from your hand.

"Lady Elizabeth, what happened?" Harlequin asked. "Who's here?"

"A Giant with a Power Level of 8,000."

Hand on your rapier, you whirled around at the sound of a new voice.

"A Fairy with a Power Level of 40,000. Impressive!"

The mysterious man glanced down at Gowther. His eyebrows drifted up. "A Human with a Power Level of 35,400. You must be...Gowther? Or, rather, Gowther's doll? What a curious alliance. First, you abandon the Ten Commandments, and now, you're with..."

His eyes narrowed. "A Nebula with a Power Level of 10,500. I thought we killed you all millenia ago."

"You thought wrong," you replied.

"So, I assume this old man's the intruder?" Diane asked.

Harlequin's hands were curled into fists at his sides. "Do you know who this guy is, Gowther?"

"A top-ranked demon, Chandler. Meliodas' de-facto master who taught him how to fight."

As Chandler conversed with the others, his disgust clear despite his calm tone, your ears twitched at the distant sound of howling winds approaching from the same direction that the darkness had originated from. You floated up, reaching eye level with Chandler as you surveyed your surroundings.

Chandler made eye contact with you, and although his words were generalized, you couldn't help the tension rising in your shoulders. "Tell me, do you all like nighttime? It serves as an amplifier for Demon magic, and that makes it even more powerful."

He raised his arms above his head. "I summon the stardust around me. You are to rain down upon these fools! Then you are to shatter! Bloom in profusion as great flowers across the dark land below!"

You felt the heavens begin to shake. With a loud curse, you turned to Hawk. "Tell Hawk Mama to run! Now!"

"But why?!"


Hawk Mama ran as the sky lit up with yellow pinpricks. Behind you, you heard Chandler continue his casting, devolving into manic gibberish the farther you got.

Diane screamed from her position atop Harlequin's shoulder. "T-They're lighting up everything!" she yelled. "All those people...!"

Harlequin held onto the necklace as the ground rumbled. "Ah! Watch out!"

You soared up into the sky. A meteor arced toward you, right in Hawk Mama's path, and you spun. At the height of your aerial, you kicked your legs out, and a massive gust of wind hit the meteor, sending it off-course.

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