ACT ONE FINALE / memories of the war

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like i said: metal with a capital m and LOTS of a's


It took a moment to process Queen Skia's words. However, their grave expressions left no room for argument. You drew your shoulders back, your back as straight as a board.

"The prayers of your friends convinced us to let you back into the mortal world to fight Hendrickson," the Celestial King elaborated. "However, now that the danger has passed, your injury may prove fatal. Within hours, your life force will be extinguished." He squeezed his pointer finger and thumb together to express his point.

Chills ran down your spine. "Then...why am I here and not at the Necropolis?"

"Long ago, we immortals were ordered not to directly interfere in the fates of mortals." Queen Skia crossed her arms over her chest. The crown of storms rumbled with thunder. "Death especially was high up there. However, if a hero proved worthy of such interference, we were allowed to interfere once."

"What kind of...proof?"

The Celestial King pulled a memory from its slot, which became larger than life, swallowing up your surroundings. You gasped as you saw your body, the childish form that had been in the painting.

"The story you gave that Ban is not entirely false." Both rulers had completely vanished. Their voices echoed in the darkness. "But there is a discrepancy between what you believe and what happened. To gain an understanding of your past, you must experience your memories firsthand."

"That's easy enough." Your voice mirrored your appearance—compared to the mature tone you spoke with in the current day, this was higher and more innocent.

"Be warned, though, of two things." Something pressed down on your body. Your hands flew up to hug yourself. "The first: no matter what, you cannot interfere with the course of events. The second: you must not let your emotions get the better of you. I'm sure you know Meliodas' Sin?"

Hearing his name made everything feel...realer, knowing you'd most likely see him here soon. You controlled yourself and nodded.

"Wrath consumed him. His home was destroyed. In that same fashion, should you grow consumed by your own thoughts, you will be swallowed up. This will be your last glimpse of the real world."

You shivered. "I understand. May we begin?"


Your surroundings brightened. Slowly, your home in Nubium showed itself. Sounds and smells plagued your senses, grounding you in the moment. If you concentrated, you could pretend you were really here. And if you lost focus, you could convince yourself that you really were a child, that nothing in the present had ever happened.

You weren't sure if that thought scared you or not.

The tiny tinkling of bells filled your hearing. You turned to see your parents fly through the window. Your heart flooded with pain and grief, but you managed to stay your hand.

No matter what, you swore, I will make it back alive.

Papa and Mama glowed with laughter. Their gazes focused on you. Your arms reached up to them of their own accord. You lived in a daze, watching everything play out as though you were a mere puppet, your parents your marionette.

They brought you into another room. A bundle of blankets laid in a bassinet, filled with cooing and gurgling. Mama lifted you so you could get a better look at Orion. Your heart, which had already been full to bursting with sadness, felt as though it were being ripped out of your chest.

Your surroundings rippled. The sounds grew dissonant. You struggled to retain a hold on your fragile sanity.

The Sins, you begged. Elizabeth. Howzer. Gilthunder. The Holy Family.

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