ACT ONE / rise of the battle

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christ this one's long, mainly because of the fucking lines in the anime jesus why is everything so exPOSITORY


You stood on Mama Hawk's back, practicing your magic with Diane's help. She tossed small rocks into the air, and it was your job to break them with blasts of wind. Diane was a supportive training partner, and a surprisingly hard one as well; she cheered you on when you did well, gave you criticism when you missed your shots, and pushed you when you felt like giving up.

Finally, you collapsed on Mama Hawk, letting out a sigh. "That was a very nice training session," you said, looking over with a smile. "Thank you for helping me out."

"No problem!" Diane replied. "You've definitely gotten stronger since the last time I saw you, which is surprising because you already seemed so powerful."

Your necklace caught the sunlight as you got up. You rubbed the pendant between your fingers. "I have gotten stronger," you agreed. "Which is good. With the power I have gained, I can protect all of you to the best of my ability."

You went inside to get a drink of water and cool off. Ban, Meliodas, Gowther, and Harlequin sat at the bar, chatting amongst themselves. Elizabeth cleaned one of the tables and Hawk ate from a bowl of scraps.

"Please tell him he's insane," Ban pleaded over his shoulder as he leaned on the counter. "This idiot wants to storm the capital to get his sword back."

You looked over at Meliodas as you filled a tankard with water. "That dragon hilt you lost back in Vaizel? Why do you need it?"

"It's something I can't just let go," Meliodas explained, his tone dark. He slammed his fists on the counter. "Guys, you'll come with me, won't you?"

"It sounds like a drag, so...I'll pass!" Ban said.

"Yeah, it was your own fault that you lost it," Harlequin added.

Gowther simply replied, "Personal responsibility."

Meliodas stared at the three before migrating over to Elizabeth and shoving his head up her skirt. "Comfort me!"

"Um, there, there," Elizabeth said, patting Meliodas' head.

Diane smashed her face through the window. "Captain!"

You sighed and went to grab some boards, a hammer, and nails for Meliodas to repair the hole.

Meliodas set to work with the boards and explained the importance of the dragon hilt over his shoulder. "Right. The Coffin of Eternal Darkness...The dragon hilt is a fragment of a ritual relic."

You sat next to Elizabeth, propping your chin on your knee. "That sword..."

"Yeah, according to an ancient legend, it's one of the fragments of a relief created to seal away the Demon race, when the Goddess, Giant, Fairy, and Human races joined forces long, long ago."

"I remember learning about that," you mused. "It was not anything I paid attention to at the time, but now that you mention it, I do remember."

"But what are the Holy Knights planning to do by gathering such things?" Elizabeth asked.

"Most likely...the resurrection of the Demon race."

Ban scoffed and leaned on the counter with his elbow. "The Demon race, again?"

You hummed in agreement.

"Come to think of it, it was Hendrickson who turned Dale into that monster, wasn't it?" Harlequin asked.

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