Ch 7: The danger of the burn

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Aelin POV
"Ok can you both stop being creepy and explain what you meant my that Amren." Cassian sighed. The gears in my head were turning. If Rhys's mothers name was also Evalin and mine told me stories about a purple-eyed winged prince....
Thats where I recognise him from. Amren was still looking at me, her eyes boring into my own as if saying 'yes, thats right' and it wasn't fucking helping. Amren turned her gaze towards Rhys and then back to me which got me suspicious looks from everyone, but before anyone could ask anything, pain erupted in my stomach. White hot, searing pain that made by legs buckle, landing me on the floor with a thud. Before I could even blink away the shock, Fenrys was kneeling next to me growling at anyone who came close. Seriously what was up with that guy. Rhysand moved towards me, and extended his hands to probably pick me up, but he was intersected by a huge white wolf who was baring all his teeth.

Amren moved towards me, her face the definition of calm, Fenrys growled but she just turned her blank eyes to meet his protective ones.
"You know if she keeps it inside any longer she is going to kill it right?" She asked, loud enough so that only Fenrys and I could hear her, being two steps away from her.
Worry and fear took over his eyes in an instant, the change in emotion so quick I had to blink to even register it, he transformed back into fae.

"Help her." he said, his eyes brimming with barely restrained terror. She nodded to him, surprising the night court if their expression had anything to say, and closed the distance between us, picking me up bridal style with sturdy and strong arms.
Without warning she engulfed us in shadows, the house disappearing from beneath us.

(I dont know if Amren can winnow or not so just go with it.)

Fenrys POV
When Aelin dropped to her knees, clutching her stomach in pain worry flooded through me, which was over-ridden by the need to protect my queen and sister. Growling at everyone who approached, I kept glancing at her to make sure it was just a pregnancy thing. That hope had evaporated the second Amren had whispered those damning words.
She could quite possibly burn the baby!
Rowan would kill me, literally, not to mention Aelin's wrath when she finds out, but the concern of the safety of the future heir of Terrasen trumped all other emotions. I did the only thing I knew could help her. I asked for it, from the other-worldly smelling fae. And she nodded, thankfully, swiftly picking Aelin up and willing the shadows to transport them away.

I looked away from the place where they were standing when the last of the shadows dissipated.
"When are you going to tell her? When she finds out she is going to be pissed, cause you should have smelt it." Asked Azriel.
I looked up at the other occupants of the room, some staring at me with concern, and Mor staring at me with anger. I looked at her and confusion must have shone through my eyes because she was staring at me with barely restrained anger.
"You got her fucking pregnant! She is a human, no way did she go to bed with you willingly!" she screamed.
What is up with people just assuming I am the father.
"Wait, Feyre said you are her brother." said Rhysand.
A sigh escaped my lips, I looked up at Mor and frowned, "it's not mine, it's her husbands. She was there for me when I needed her, and she saved my life. So yeah, she is like my sister and I will protect her with my life. Now if you are all done with your stupid interrogations, back off. No one is telling her anything. She finds out from me and only me. I mean it. Let's not get on each other's bad sides." I declared before I gestured Rhysand to lead the way towards the rooms.

Amren POV
This foolish girl. Not releasing fire magic, especially when there is an endless well of it, is monumentally stupid. I thought Evalin would have raised her daughter to be smarter.
I winnowed us away to the mountains, near the Bone Carver's prison, just to ensure no one is hurt.
The second we landed on the mountains, Aelin started sweating profusely. Still refusing to let go she stood up with great effort and looked at me with defiant eyes.
"Release it before you die." I stated without any emotion. The only reason I was even here helping her was because I cared about Rhys and he needed to know her.
"No. I have enemies I need to burn."
"Release it. Aelin." I commanded hoping my knowlege of her name would catch her off-guard. "Do you know who I am then?" She asked.
"All I know is that you are Evalin's daughter and that you don't want Rhysand to know. So, release. it.
If not everything, then just enough to take the edge off" I said, compromising.
Gods know that isn't my strong suit but I needed to ensure her baby's safety.
She stared at me for a minute, like she was trying to figure out why I was compromising. "Fine. But tell me what you meant by what you said to Sam that made him tell you to help me." she conditioned. A sigh escaped my lips, just like her mother.
"I was talking about your mating bond. It's already weak with you being here and keeping that much magic in, you will end up incinerating it. I doubt you want your mate to feel your death." I lied. Her face suddenly went abnormally pale.
"Get back." she said, before the mountains shook as she erupted.

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