Ch 37: The return

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Aedion POV

No attacks came the next day as we moved base to in front of the castle of Orynth. It was almost as if Maeve and Erawen were mocking us, as if saying 'make yourself comfortable for the fight, we're going to win anyway' which might not be the best thing but it gave us the time we needed nevertheless, so I got over it. A letter had arrived yesterday alerting us that Chaol would be returning with an army from the Southern Continent and also a wife, which had Dorian happy and pissed at the same time somehow.

Manon hopefully would be joining us with the crochans in a few days, and Rolfe had finally agreed - after a lot of convincing - to help us with the battle, with the promise of Skull's bay and a trade deal with Terrasen and Adarlan. As everything came together before my very eyes, I wanted to beg Aelin for an apology because she had stood there and taken it as I had shouted at her about our then missing allies.

Dawn was approaching and with that so was the army that could potentially kill us all. I took in a deep breath and stepped out of my tent, ready to address the crowd and make them ready for the fight of our lives. It was raining outside, heavily. Thank the wyrd we had left the forest yesterday because fighting in wet mud would have been a slaughter. I walked to the centre of the still not assembled camp and stepped on a rock that was I had planted there to give me a higher ground.

"Soldiers!" I shouted, getting everyone's attention. Every head turned towards me, some already in armor and some just putting it on. Before I could speak though, a horn blew somewhere far away from here, far enough that I only barely heard the sound at all. We all knew what that meant so I decided to speed it up. "Erawen and Maeve are coming! And they will give us all hell, they will make us fight till we wish to drop dead! But I was born on this soil. I was raised to fight for this country, just like you! Our queen isn't with us today, but she is in our hearts. The blood of Terrasen pounds in her veins as she knows it does in yours, and though they may spill our blood they will never take away what is ours by birthright!" I shouted, as the soldiers hollered their approvel. "We will fight today! We will fight untill Terrasen is free and prosperous again. We will fight till our very last breaths, because this is our country! And no evil bitch will come and take it from us till the heart in my chest still beats!" I shouted and every soldier started thumping their chest in agreement and solidarity.

The horn sounded again in the distance and everybody moved to put on their armor and hang their swords but before they could all disperse, the ground began shaking and it seemed that the very place that we stood was the epicentre. Panic filled me as I lost my balance and almost fell but was saved by a very worried Dorian who steadied me with his hand. All our heads were turning to find even a single enemy as we took a fighting stance, or as much as one we could take with the earth shaking beneath us. A black vortex opened just a few steps ahead of me right in between camp, moving like it was alive and thumping. I unsheathed the sword handing from my waist and readied myself to take of the enemies head, but someone entirely unknown stepped out.

A women with short black hair and silver eyes stepped out of the black hole followed by four men who were all in regal clothing as if they just left a ball. Two men with wings and stones shining on their leathers came next with two women following. Their attire didn't indicate that they were coming to fight so I decided against pouncing on them and slitting their throats. I stepped forward, "Who the hell are you?" I shouted at them as they all took me in and gaped, some even gasped. "Aedion" someone whimpered and my knees almost gave in as I recognized that voice. I shook my head expecting it to be a hallucination but I was proven wrong as a blonde figure came barrelling into me, crushing me into a hug.

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