Ch 30: Hewn city

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"finger-combing my silver hair."

Dorian POV

I walked inside the stone border, Nox right behind me, and many people gave me weird looks because it was apparently not news that Rowan wasn't part of Maeve's cadre anymore, but all in all no one stopped us when we strode towards the towering black castle, which was clearly where Maeve resides. The city seemed happy, happier than I expected a place run by Maeve to be. People were stumbling out of bars with smiles on their faces, there were circles of people sitting on the grass and listening to others telling stories, huddled with their loved ones around the bonfire. Nox tapped me on the shoulder and brought me out of my daze.

Standing on the steps of the towering black chateau, I didn't waste time before taking a deep breath and stepping inside, ready to search for the Queen and King of Terrasen.


"and that we will meet back here in ten minutes"

The doors opened with a bang, and every head in the hall turned to see. Two soldiers, with armor and beautiful gems gracing their leathers, walked in, their beautiful and large wings sweeping right behind them. They had the gaze of a well-trained warrior and were looking everything over, as if assessing for any kind of threat. They strode towards the two thrones of Night and took their positions next to each. A woman, dressed in all red with her blonde hair, dancing and twirling down her back, stepped in next. Her lips covered with crimson, she walked like she was above everyone else, her shoulders taut with confidence, and her face expressionless.

The two Illyrians, guarding the thrones, dipped their head to the woman who went and stood beside the higher ground of the throne, in the place of the advisor. The feeling of night and unrelenting darkness filled the throne room, and in entered two unreasonably beautiful people, clad in clothes made of night itself. Crowns gracing their heads, they walked in with smirks on their faces, like they loved the fear on everyone's faces. Every being in the throne room, man and woman, dropped on one knee, their eyes on their feet, in submission and complete obedience. The man and woman idled towards the identical thrones-in color, size and authority- and took their seats. "Rise." commanded the woman and every head in the throne room looked up simultaneously.

Someone walked in through the doors once more, a gorgeous woman in a beautiful black gown, with shimmering gems on it that sparkled like the stars, followed by a silver-haired male with a tattoo and the same black tunic as the High lord, trailed by an unbelievably handsome male with onyx eyes so dark that it was like staring into the void. They stopped infront of the thrones and dipped their head in a small smile of respect. Everyone was staring at them, as if they couldn't believe what just happened and the woman smirked, eerily similar to the High Lord that made everyone wonder exactly who they were.

Rhysand POV

My face was fixed into a smirk, which saved me from the embarrassment of being scared for a stupid reason like making a good impression on your own sister. She was new, to me, my court, my world, and I needed her to want to be my sister, so I needed her to not be scared of me and the facade I was putting up. Her smirk, one too similar to mine, was a surprise, but one I gladly returned with relief flooding me pathetically.

The citizens went about their business, and I was about to invite everyone to come to the dining hall and eat something but then Keir decided to ruin everything. "My Lord." he said, bowing but with such blatant disrespect that it made me wonder how does one even do that. "We have matters to discuss." he said, his eyes finding mine and staying. I gestured for him to speak whatever he had to say, and he looked around like he was making sure no one listened in. "Alone." he added, and a sigh escaped my lips, my smirk gone at the first sight of him. "Only your High Lady and my court is present here, whatever you have to say, say it." I said, leaning forward on my throne to make it seem that this was all humorous to me, a challenging grin making its way on my face.

"Beron has approached me. Because of the unfinished marriage deal that was broken long ago, thanks to my daughter, we have an obligation to fulfill their request." he said, his eyes wandering to Mor standing beside me every now and then. I turned towards her too and saw her grinding her teeth and looking as if she was this close to slitting Keir's throat. Rage filled me to the core at the sight of my cousin and I waved my hand, Keir's legs cracking and making him fall at the action. "You sold your daughter to his son, you are lucky to be alive right now. I have no obligation at all, and I don't care what you owe to whom." I said, through gritted teeth. His face was crinkled with pain, and anger was evident in his eyes, as he looked at me. I released him, and he slowly got up, the pain from his face gone. "He wants the female otherworlder. That's all. She's just a woman, it's just usual trade, it won't harm anyone." he said, pulling on his tunic and giving a sideways glance towards Aelin. Fury like I had never known before tore through me, at the sound of Keir talking about Aelin as if she was a piece of meat.

Every male in the vicinity, including me, growled- Rowan, Sam, Azriel, and even Cassian. Before any one of us could do a thing though, Aelin had a knife to his throat. "Women are not weak or pieces of meat to be sold." she said before she kneed his groin and stuck the knife in his abdomen. "We're done here." I announced before I got up, and strode towards the doors, everyone following me, and all heads of the people dropping down, a small farewell to their High Lord and Lady, unaware that their steward had just been put into his place.


I have referred to the Hewn City as the Court of Nightmares because thats what the world thinks it is, and because Rhys often calls it that in the original books.

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