Hunter Exam

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The waiting area for the hunter exam takes to long, maybe a nap will help with things?Going into your bag you pulled out a nice big blanket and a large pillow, not knowing if you needed it or not, before laying down in the best position that's comfortable to sleep in.






"Seems like someone here was perpared fufu.~"

Sitting up you smile up at the clown dressed man, nodding your head enthusiastically "Yep!Wanna sleep a little bit with me mister?"

The clown seems amused "Inviting a stranger to sleep with you?Now that is rather dangerous is it not?~"

"Oh well, my names (Y/N)!Who you mister??"


Smiling you scoot over so he could fit in.He did it in an instant since scooting over would mean something yet the pillow was given to you fully as he had some blanket and used an arm as a pillow instead.

"Wanna water bottle?I got some in my bag-?"

"No thank you, that's nice of you, but.." Hisoka watches you with keen eyes as you pulled out a milk jug full of water, clearly drinking it up "...why is a kind and small girl like yourself in a dangerous place like this hm?~"

The smile you held on for so far drops as your (E/C) eyes dulled for a few seconds, causing Hisoka to rather notice the dramatic change and effect of his curiosity, before you could speak more people join the hunter exam.The behavior you had from the beginning came back immediately.

Hisoka sighs, getting up and onto his feet "Is that offer for some water bottles still open?If so, may I get two then?~"

Perking up you nod handing him two large bottles of water.Since you have a big milk jug of water what else did you jave then a pillow and blanket??

"Till we meet again doll.~"

Not really paying attention you wave him far well before laying down again and close your eyes for a little while.Taking only a few deep breaths another person approach you, so you open your eyes to see a kid with white hair and amzing blue eyes..

"Your eyes are pretty mister!"

The boy was taking back by the comment and flushed up a second later.You didn't know that what you said made him flustered cause you immediately thought he was sick or running a fever.

Grabbing his hand you suprised him with your strength "Oh my kami!Your face is so red mister!!" your small chibi cool hands on his pale pink tinted cheeks made him go wide eyed at you as his face got hotter "Are you sick mister?!I think I have something to help if you are-!"

"I-I'm fine!Let go you baka!"

Not likeing being shouted at you scrambled back into the wall scared of the boy you so tried to help, for some reason this made him feel rather guilty of his actions.

"O-Oi.I...I'm sorry about shouting at you.." he rubs his neck, his face less pink then before "...Your...comment...on my eyes was something I don't hear alot, from other people then my mother that is."

Hearing that you still offer him something; Chocolate robot candy.

"My names (Y/N)!What's yours mister?"

He takes the candy with desire before eating one himself "Killua." before hesitating on giving one to you "Want one (Y/N)?"

Knowing you had many of that type of candy in your bag you take it with a sweet smile, Killua has never met someone with such a pure smile, slim as it was, in his life.Not even when he was set off on missions and assasination of some target or prick. For the whole entire time you and Killua talked, ate, and laugh about funny stuff.You even had the chance to sleep on Killua's shoulder while he told you of his family and their history of sorts.Mainly who the targets he kills on missions and such.

But that was when you wake up to a man screaming about his arms turning into petals after making a hole in the wall with his body.Killua, seeming to go into big brother mode, turns your attention to packing up your things before it starts.....which it did a few moments later as the wall infront of you all stary to rise up, a man with no mouth standing there.

"My name is Sotaz and I am your hunter exam for the first stage.Now is the chance for those to turn back and exit before starting the exam, if you die on us that is on your own will." No one did anything, so he continues "So be it.Follow me, the first stage begins!"

Blanket and pillow put away you decide to run with your milk jug in hand, trying to balance the weight as the man began to run.Like, run for his life kind of run.

Killua notice this so he came over with his scatboard, scoot back a little "Wanna hop on?"

"Uhmm.." you never been on a scateboard, but it looks fun "...yes please!"

Killua grabs your packback, lifting you small self up in the process, then set you on in front.So he was gaining some speed like before.It really did feel nice to have some air blown on your tired self.Not realizing it due to how much fun your having your already 7 miles in, so that's when you got off and ran a little.

Key word:LITTLE

Not expecting large hands to pick you up caused you to squeak in suprise but turning to see a fimialer face made you pout at him cutely, he found it adorable anyway.

"Hisoka?Is this her you speak of?" Your attention was put on a man with pins on his face, that looks like it hurts.

Hisoka hums, carrying you with one arm as you cling on to his neck "Mhmm!~A cutie is she not Illumi?~"

This set off the pin guy but he nods later, soon just running along. Hisoka did say much either but seems to want to carry you the last remaining miles before making it up staires.Once he made it he puts you down and pats your head in a proud like manner, you loved it, before being swallowed in a hug by Killua as he begins to introduce new friends he made;Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio.They seem really nice so you offered them some water which they all gladly take...mostly Leorio.

Not paying attention to what's happening once again Gon moved you out of the way before Hisoka threw cards at the fake and true examiners.The fake one died and Hisoka got threaten in harming a hunter examiner would kick him out for the hunter exam.If he does it again he will be gone.

"This is a land full of man eating creatures and shifters who are smart and cunning, not many of you will serve but some of you will, follow me and you'll make it." Sotaz turns to walk continuing "This is the second stage, be cautious and be ready for anything."

Daisy's From Above [Hunterxhunter Various X Child!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now