Dream Eggs

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Running around, clearly chasing Gon cause he was 'bored', the blimp lands on top of a mountain that was literally split in half.

"See those eggs?" Everyone looks down to see alot of eggs in webs, most wondering why anyone would put their eggs there in the first place "Those are hawk eagle eggs a.k.a known as the Dream Eggs, each one of you need to grab one to pass!"

Before anyone could question her she jumps off, and with quick haste, you see her cling onto a string of web, waite, then let go and grab an egg while falling below....everyone though she was a goner before strong winds blew her back up with such ease, her landing on her feet ever so proud and pleased.

"Now the only thing we need to do is-."

Too late.Everyone was running there and jump off, side by side, as they waite for some wind,grab their eggs, and just go back up to boil them all...

"Ahah!" Everyone turn, even those who didn't go, to see you putting on some gloves from your bag "Found it!"

Netero (again, may have spelled it wrong) stares down at your form with curious eyes, soon he comes over "So it seems you were perpared hm?"

You smile up at him "Yep!" dusting yourself off you too jump off the cliff, reaching for a open spot of string web "Here I come!!!"

But as you got near it you still couldn't reach it....

"Got cha!" A man shouts, able to grab your arm before you fallen to your death.

Gon and Killua lets out a relieve sighs, Kurapika sweat drops, Leorio had his face gaped open in horror but now is mumbling stuff, Hisoka was going to use his nen ability to help you but this was fine, and Illumi was staring down watching with eyes of relief.

You look up at your savior, patting his hand as he easily lifts you up to grasp onto the web string yourself "Thank you!"

"You could have killed yourself if you didn't shout out like you did, hell you were lucky to be near me as you did that stunt!"

You sweat drop, nervously smiling "Y-Yeah..but I'm here right?"

He stares dead at you "Cause I caught you." he turns his attention to the eggs, his face feeling warm "The names Hanzo by the way.."


Killua looks at Gon, the web string beginning to break "Gon..."

He didn't speak.

Holding on you notice it too, soon everyone noticed it, right as your going to tell Gon as well you suddenly felt pain blossom in the back of your head.Soon a warmth leaks out and down your neck slowly.

"Why da fuck you do that man?!"

"Were all going to die if we don't let go!He is trying to kill us all!"

Hanzo, being trained as a shinobi, notice your tears before smelling blood from you.It soon clicks and he was pissed.He wasn't alone cause even Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Leorio, Hisoka, and Illumi saw what just happened to you.Every single one of them were wanting that guy who hurt you on purpose dead.

Gon lets go "Now!" and like that everyone let go to grab and egg, most getting the whole nest, falling down quick.

That was when you all came back up and land on your guys feet.As much as fun it was you just crouched down  whimpering as you held your head, feeling the pain blossom more every second.

Hanzo kneels down "Let me see." he was able to pry your hands from your head to see the damage caused, soon Leorio comes running over, he lets go looking more pissed off "You need a doctor-."

"Oi!I'm a doctor!" Leorio had you sit in his lap as he fix your head, holding your hand as you wince in the process, but soon wraps it up "I'm not really a professional but your going to be okay (Y/N)-."


Everyone looks over to see the man who hurt you being held a foot above the ground by Illumi, yes I said it, he was choking the scum.

"Blood for blood.."

Before he could kill the guy Netero jumps in, making both of them separate "Now, now.No need to kill one and another hm?"

Kurapika picks you up from behind "Let's go eat our eggs somewhere else..." which he soon did and you never saw what else happened after that.

When Netero solved the problem everyone went there separate ways, but Killua didn't.



Killua didn't give the guy some time to speak as he made the guy crotch down to meet his eye level, the inner demons in him seeming to come out, the guy was frozen in fear and couldn't do anything but stand there and shake in his boots.

"You may think your alright but that won't last, not till I feel like it is."

The guy gulps, swallowing down little of his fear "Y-Yeah right!Get off me you brat!"

Killua knew he made a major impact on this man so he let go, standing there as he walk away in fear away from him.Little did the guy know was that the night in this blimp will be his last breath.

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