Killer Pigs

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"Where is the pigs?!"

"At this rate were not going to have time to cook!"


It was beginning to get crazy down there.So instead of searching solo your sitting on Leorio's shoulders while Gon, Killua, and Kurapika look for the pigs.That was till Gon slide down the slope you soon going after Leorio puts you down after Killua went after Gon.


Your face collides with Killua's back harshly to which caused him to turn around in time to see you get sandwich by Kurapika and Leorio.You began to tear up cause blood began to come out your nose.

"Gon!?Why did you do that?!(Y/N) is about to cry-!!"

"Found them.."

Everyone stood silent, which you tried but you wanna cry cause of the pain, but the moment they spot the pigs.They were very big and was eating a corpse of what used to be alive.

"Their...." one of the pigs notice you guys, then it squeals loudly "...carnivORES!"

Kurapika picks you up immediately and begins to run away.Gon was faster then anyone here but everyone screams for their lives.That was till Leorio screams out to the people to run cause now we got a zampeed of them following the five of us.

Not likeing the pain you used that as your adrenaline and jump out of Kurapika's arms, soon climbing up a random high tree you can find.

"Your nose is bleeding."

Being a scared mess you turn around to see the guy with the pins, him seeming to stare at you and ignore the choas below.

"I-I ran into a rock." It was kinda the truth cause Killua's back was hard as a rock.He didn't seem to believe it though.

He looks down "Look where your going next time." then jumps off and kills a big pig, right on the head, then looks up at you "Do you want me to help you down?"

Nodding you jump off as he catches you, soon putting you down as he began to drag his dead pig away.





"How am I gonna kill a pig?"

Looking around you see alot of dead pigs around, maybe you can steal one?No!I need to find one myself!

Not reliazing it Hisoka was already dragging his away, but spots you looking around and...he notice your hurt.

Hisoka's nen seems to seep out by that, you getting hurt for no reason. But he didn't let it get to far due to him wishing not to scare you.He found you rather cute and interesting to be around.

"Hm?~Looking for a pig doll?~"

The moment you heard him you smile, running up to hug him "Hai!"

He was going to roast his pig but seems think of your being, all the pigs by now were gone and taken..

"Say how about you take this pig and I go hunt another one hm?~"

Your eyes widen, soon shaking your head "N-No!You won't have time to cook it Hiso-oniisan!"

"Too cute, so pure and innocent~.." he pats your head before running with you on his back, taking the pig with him "...I will manage, so do not worry about me.~"

Pouting you clung onto him, inhaling the bubblegum scent he had, then enjoy the ride back.

-time skip after your there and Hisoka is back with a pig once again-

Everyone was roasting their pigs over a large flame.That made the blue haired gourmet hunter pissed off while the big guy seems to drool over all the food, he really likes food.

That was when she caught a smell other then roasted pork, it smells good.

"You there, little girl!" You stop cutting your vegetables to look up at the woman in the high chair "What are you making over there?It smells good."

Smiling by the comment you told her "Something my gram makes when I get sick or have a bad day!"

The smile you give and the radiant brightness of innocence makes her aww at you before seeing that her big friend seems to smile at the girl as well.

"Then keep up the good work!"

Giving both of them a thumbs up you throw your vegetables in, soon watching it bubble and brew.After that you cut up some pork belly and cook it with some salt and pepper, when cooked enough you threw the fat and meat into the pot.When that is done you add some pork broth and basil leaves before letting it all boil to your liking.

By this time your in the bathroom and fixing your bloody nose, it was swollen and hurts to touch.After cleaning it your already out just in time to prepare your bowls to the judges.

"You didn't passed."

The big guy ate it up with a thumbs up.

"You didn't passed."

"You didn't passed."

"You didn't passed."

Everyone didn't seem to pass this test but you were positive you will after that small talk with them, you really did enjoy cooking!

Killua sneaks over, seeing what you made "HuH?You made soup?"

Giggling you grab a bowl "No it's ramen silly!" then pour one for him to have "Here!Try some!"

He seems to hesitate before denying your offer "I hurt you..I can't take this-."

"I didn't see where I was going so I forgive you Kill-oniisan!Here!Before it gets cold!"

Killua was wide eyed at your stubbornness but it softened as he took the bowl you give him, not expecting kindness from you after what happened earlier.

Taking your bowls up you gave them your food, standing away with a closed eye smile.

Taking your bowls up you gave them your food, standing away with a closed eye smile

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

"Now this is different.." the blue haired lady takes a sip, then within seconds she is eating the whole thing till the last drop, empty bowl down to the world "...whO TAUGH YOU TO COOK LIKE THIS?!"

Baragala, I think is his name, seems to ask the same after you gave him his third bowl.

"My gram taugh me!"

She leans back, sighing in happiness "Tell your gram that she indeed taught you well!"

Nodding you ran down stairs to your find Killua wanting more.So being kind you offered him another bowl along with Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio before notice a guy got flung into that pillar then fall down.Taking your time you got a bowl for yourself and ate it silently.

That was when a old man comes down and 'chat' with the blue haired woman.

"Then it is decided, everyone hop on were going to split mountain!"

Daisy's From Above [Hunterxhunter Various X Child!Reader]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα