Tower Time

607 28 16

I am positive for COVID rn y'all....on nEW YEARS EVE TOO!

I will try to update more but depends on how I'm feeling..

Enjoy tho!



The killer clown pretty much carried you around the whole day.Everyone was of course scared shitless of him but not Illumi who has his disguise on, he was actually considering of asking Hisoka to let him hold your sleepy form for a while...

"To think she managed to get that sicko to carry her." Kurapika was once in a while glance over to see if your safe with the two dangerous men, talking to himself alone "The challenges is gonna start soon.."

Killa, Gon, and Leorio heard everyone  Kurapika said, they however stayed silent.Each one of them would do some if harm once again came your way.Mostly Killua himself.

As the moment the air balloon stops, dropping off everything on the roof of a brick tower, nothing said but a single 'good luck!' from Netero as it flew away..

Hisoka grumbles, walking in circles "This is no fun.~" but what happens next was for him to fall into the entrance, grip held protectively over you, as the man slides to a uncomfortable stop.

Hisoka and you were in a cell of sorts...

"Did I *yawn* miss something?" You woke up, soon realizing your not in the air balloon no more but in a jail like room with Hisoka.

He didn't set you down, he pretty much carried you "Not much, supposedly we should get out of this maze till time runs out.~"

"How much time do we have?"

"Plenty.~" Hisoka hums, noticing two separate watches on a table, a sign that says 'Try me!' on it.

He did.He even helps you with your own on, both turn on immediately after.

Confused you noticed something off "Uh?Hiso??"

He hums, walking further down the tunnel.He was going to go right.

"It's tell me to go left.."

He stops in his tracks at your words.Soon you showed him your watch, seeing it indeed say to go left then right, the man hums to himself quietly...but at last he puts you down.Once down he push you towards your direction with quick 'see you at the finish line.~' to which you follow every crook and cranny you watch directs you to.

But did you face any challenges?



Your watch pretty much had you on a easy going route, more left then rights, but a challenged did appear right as your close of getting out of here...

"It's you!" Hanzo was above you, in a cell, hanging from the ceiling, from happiness to utter disappointment "...please tell me you know how to fight."

Your confused self was enough to answer his question.Hanzo then realized you and him may not pass this exam.Not like this.

"You were supposed to have tons of fun challenges but due to you being so young I figure to give you just one instead." A voice comes out, soon a door opens, a brute man comes out, he looks very scary "For this challenge you would need to defeat this gentleman here.Any way you so please, weapons not included.~"

Hanzo couldn't really tell if you were scared or not, you didn't seem to stop smiling after saying a quick high pitch 'Okay!' soon a timer was seen; You have just five minutes to fight this guy.

The criminal smiles "This will be a  easy win-."

This criminal was known for being the brute strength of his various gang activity, most likely murder sprees, but what caused him to be cut off so quickly?Simple.It was the child who did it. Not once moving a muscle towards this insane man before them.Just smiling one of innocent could.

"Star Platnium." Yes, your a stand user, call out to him as he pins the man down, confused as hell itself for who you called out to, Hanzo more confused as he hangs out in the jail cell "Go ahead and have fun.Be good okay?"

He was a good stand.He would do whatever he is told, and to not kill the man, simply decided to punch him while repeatedly shouting 'ORA!' till the criminal was bloody and unconscious.

You won.

The voice was somewhat a mixture of suprise and joy "What a magnificent fight!" soon the cage Hanzo was in was open, a door to the left side of you open as well.

Hanzo was too flabbergasted at what happened before him, and from this result, your pulling him out with you to the end of this exam; Finding your not the frist people here to complete the challenge before you two.

"Killua, Gon, Kurapika, Leorio, and all the others are not here yet.." you pout, really wanna see if they made it through like you and Hanzo, but immediately saw food making you happy "Food!Come on Hanzo-oniisan!Let's eat!"

For the whole time you and Hanzo eat the food provided, soup and crackers, once in a while offering Hanzo a candy bar from your oversized back pack.

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