Chapter 7

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3rd POV

Night Time

"I'm so tireddd."


"Wait unnie... you need to remove the makeup first..."

It's currently night time as the members of IZ*ONE just came back from their daily practices. The exhaustion is visible on their face as it taking a toll on their body also, moving sluggishly seeking a place for rest inside the dorm, be it the bed nor the couch.

"Yujin! Come on you need to change first!"

Well not all of them are tired.

"Don't wannaa." Yujin said to Minju playfully while trying to run away from the chasing frog.

"Oh come one, not again. You need to rest Yujin-ah." Minju said while still chasing the youngster.

"I'm not tired yet hehe" Yujin stuck out her tongue mockingly.

"Yah, how come she still have so many energies on her..." Hyewon said from the sideline as she witnessing the cat and mouse game between the two while sitting on the couch.

"Hahaha, unnie you sound old if you say it like that." Yena said while teasing Hyewon who return it with a glare and playfully hit her shoulder.

Yup, same ol' activity of IZ*ONE girls. Not a single day without being chaos.

"Hahaha okay okay unnie I'll go change" Yujin decided to end the chase game finally giving Minju a chance to breath. "Finally..."

"Yujin is very energetic huh." Nako chirped in with an ice cream on her hand.

"Well it's a good thing though, we need that kind of energy for the upcoming live stage." Chaeyeon replied at her while laying down on the couch.

"Yeah, I wish I can have that energy too... I'm so beat right now..." Nako said while taking another spoon from her ice cream.

"Yah! Nako isn't that my mint choco ice cream?" Nako got startled by the sudden voice of Chaewon who is standing infront of her.


"The ice cream, I saved that one for me to eat it later." Chaewon said while pointing at Nako's hand that holding the cup of ice cream.

"Ahhh... mianhe Chaewon I didn't know it's yours..." Nako said with guilty.

"I've been waiting to eat that ice cream though..." Chaewon cutely pouting while throwing a tantrum to Nako. While Nako apologizing again to Chaewon.

"If you want to eat mint choco why not just go and brush your teeth?" Yena jokingly said making Chaewon glared at her.

"Yahh! You can't just say that! That's different!" Chaewon said with annoyed look visible on her face. Chaewon continue arguing with Yena about which ice cream tastes the best as Yujin came out from the bathroom after changing and wash her make up "What are you guys arguing about?"

"Yujin-ah, mint choco is better right?" "Yujin, strawberry is tastier right??"

Both Chaewon and Yena turn their head to Yujin while throwing a questions at the same time confusing the puppy.

"W-what are you talking about??"

"Ice cream! Which one do you think tastes better? Mint choco or strawberry?" Chaewon said with seriousness in her eyes as if its a matter of life and death.

"Oh, it's green tea for me." Yujin replied in a matter of second. Reacting to her answer, Yena and Chaewon gave a deadpan look towards her.

"Yah! Why are you saying green tea all of a sudden?!"

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