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~Norman's POV~

Norman woke up with a splitting head ache.

Sitting up from the bed he was currently laying on, he remembered what happened and panicked.

Where am I? Where's Ray? Emma And the others?!

As Norman had that small panic attack the curtains on the rails covering his bed were opened. The culprit being Ray.

Ray: Norman! We need to find Emma and the others quickly!

Norman: Do you think I'm not working on that?! Do you even know where Zazie and the rest are?!

And with his name being called Zazie appeared beside Ray.

Ray: I already woke up Oliver and the rest that went with us. Now let's go look for Emma.

As the orders were given, Norman stood up and stumbled on the bedside table, fortunately Ray caught him before he fell face first on the floor. (NoRay moment (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) Norman hurriedly got off Ray already missing the latter's warmth. Ray had his poker face on but had a light blush spread across his face.

~3rd person POV~

After that little moment, they set out to search for Emma who wasn't even too far from them, She was just in the room next to theirs.

As they found Emma and the others chatting about where they are right now. Violet, sprinted towards the ginger literally tackling her in a hug.

Violet: Emma!! I'm so glad your okay!

Emma: Vi! Oh my god. Guys! I'm so glad your okay.

Violet blushed at the nickname she gave her. Gillian chuckled at their behavior. Norman even though he liked Emma, wasn't bothered by this which confused him.

Ray on the other hand just had a resting bitch face not having this crap.

The moment was ruined when they heard the door creak open.

All of them turned to look at the door, They didn't have their weapons except Zazie. So Zazie went up front to murder whoever the hell that was.

The person on the door shrieked when she saw the blades Zazie was holding. As a little boy went up front.

Amelia: Phil no! It's dangerous! That guy's holding katanas!

The familiar name drove Emma to tears as she mumbled behind Zazie.

Emma: Phil....?

Phil snapped his head to the direction of the familiar voice.

Norman: Zazie stand down.

The order Norman gave was immediately obeyed.

Emma, Gilda, Don, Ray, Norman, and the two kids that were with them went in front of Zazie.

Phil looked at his siblings and the brother who he thought was dead.

Sherry out of curiosity then walked towards Phil, When she saw Norman she was brought to tears as she sprinted towards her older brother.

Sherry: Norman!!!

Norman had crouched down to her level and had his arms spread as a warm smile was played on his lips.

Sherry was already crying a river at this point as Phil just stood their, Frozen.

Emma then gave him a warm smile and crouched down to her level followed by Don and Gilda.

The invite for a hug was given and Phil tackled his siblings in a hug he'd missed oh so much.

Amelia and Jack just stood in the doorway shocked, Carol was giggling as she saw her elder siblings.

Phil: I missed you guys so much!!

Emma just smiled at the dark skinned child who she'd missed so much.

Norman who was trying to calm the crying girl was joined by Ray.

Ray had a smile on his face as he crouched down beside the albino boy.

Sherry saw him and then transferred arms to cry on, Ray stood up carrying the said girl in his arms calming her down.

Phil wiped his tears as he faced Emma and the others.

Phil: I want you guys to meet our new siblings!

Said Phil as he waddled over to Amelia and Jack.

Phil: this is Jack! And the girl is Amelia!

Emma: nice to meet you. Thanks for taking care of Phil's and the rest of the kids.

Amelia: Nice to meet you too. it's great that you guys met again.

Jack: Nice to meet you. And it's no big deal. These are good kids.

Emma and the rest smiled at them. Ray and Norman discussing about where they are with Ray carrying a sleeping Sherry.

Ray: Do you think were in...?

Norman: could be possible. But take a look at the calendar.

Said Norman as he pointed to the calendar on the wall that had 'April 16 2021' written on it.

Ray: so were in the human world but the past...?

Norman: Maybe....?

As Ray and Norman were discussing about where
and why they were here. Emma and the rest were talking to Amelia and Jack.

Emma: So.. How old are you two?

Amelia: 11 why?

Emma looked at them with wide eyes as she glanced towards Gilda who was sitting next to her. Gilda who's face was plastered with sorry looked back to Emma. Phil on the other hand was close to tears. Amelia and Jack glanced at each other when they saw their reactions.

Emma made up her mind that she was gonna tell them but was cut off when the door cracked open.

Everyone snapped their heads towards the sudden noise.

Oliver and Don were standing protectively in front of the girls.

Emma was covering the two eleven year old kids. Gilda, Gillian and Violet secured the younger ones in their arms.

While Ray was holding Sherry protectively and Norman standing in front of him as his protection from whatever the hell was outside that door.

And Zazie who was clearly the only person here with his weapons unsheathed the katanas and went on a protective stance.

As the door cracked open wider some bickering was heard.

🦲: I'm telling you ****-san! Pizza is better than donuts!

⚡: HAH?! What do you mean?! Donuts are obviously better! Right *****??!

🍊: I guess so- and ***** could you stop drinking milk like that? Your creeping me out!

🥛: ****** BOKE! This is how I always drink milk!

🧂: ugh. Here we go again..

😊🔪: could you shut up?! You might be scaring them!

There stood people who were obviously bigger and taller than them which terrified the younger ones, which led to them crying. I men yea they faced demons before.

But humans and demons are completely different. So yeah.

Even though Norman was a little shaken by them he still asked them...

Who are you...?

• [𝑴𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑶𝒖𝒓 𝑺𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒓] • ¡✓!Where stories live. Discover now