Number One Fan! Interview with beckybloomwood

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This interview is with beckybloomwood. If you've ever looked up wattpad stories by popularity then you have seen her story, The Boy Who Sleeps On My Bedroom Floor. It's right up there near the top, which means you've probably read it, too. That means you're probably curious about the mysterious girl (yes, I do know her real name. No, I'm not telling!) who created Luke and Emi's touching story.

Well, this is your chance to sate that curiosity and kill the cat. Becky was kind enough to take the time to answer a few little questions for me and I give you her interview for your reading enjoyment.


1.        Tell us a little about yourself. How old are you and where are you from and what do you do?

Why hullo there, I'm 'Becky Bloomwood'. I'm currently sixteen and will turn seventeen next month! I'm from England and like a normal sixteen year old, I attend school and, obviously, I write.

2.        What do you like to do when you're not writing?

I like to spend time with my friends and I also read... a lot. I'm always listening to music and I can't seem to listen without singing along. When I'm home alone, I like to turn the music right up so I can hear all over the house and belt out every song like I'm performing in a Broadway musical or something. It'd be absolutely hilarious if there were hidden cameras in my house or something and it was all caught on tape. Especially as I dance around, too. (I can't dance.) And I watch Glee religiously.

3.        What three words describe you the best and why?

Oh god, erm... probably "little laughing nutter" because I'm really quite short at 5ft3". I'm often laughing because I honestly laugh at everything. My friends actually say they know when a joke really isn't funny if I don't laugh, because I laugh at so much. And "nutter" because I'm a little bit crazy... In a good way, of course.

4.        What actress would play you in the movie of your life and why her?

Well, I'm English, so it'd have to be someone English. I'd probably choose Emma Watson, simply because she was my idol. She played one of my favourite characters from my favourite series of books and as I grew up with those books and films, I've always admired her greatly. She's an amazing actress and even though we don't really look the same, I don't think I could have the chance to cast someone as myself and not choose her. I respect her a lot.

5.        Do you share your writing with your family and close friends and are they supportive?

My family knows that I write, as do my close friends. However, I don't like to let them read my work. None of my friends have read any of my writing, other than a short ghost story that I wrote for coursework when I was fourteen or fifteen. My family hasn't read anything that I've posted on Wattpad because I won't let them. If I ever get published, of course I'll let them read my work then but now... no. My friends don't know about Wattpad, but my family does. They are very supportive and really quite proud of the attention I've received and all the lovely fans I have accumulated. My parents support me whole-heartedly and I know that when I want to take the next step and try to get published, they'll help me in any way that they can.

6.        What is your favourite song?

Wow. There are so many to choose from and if I'm quite honest, my favourite song changes every week. At the moment, my favourite song is probably one of two songs. One is "Blue Lips" by Regina Spektor. She's an amazing artist and the lyrics and melody of the song are just genius. Other favourites of mine from her are "Samson" and "Laughing With". Her music is inspirational. The other song that might be my current favourite is Darren Criss' cover of "Make 'Em Laugh". The original was in the 1950's musical "Singing in the Rain" starring Gene Kelly, and that version is quite fast paced and it's a comedic performance. Darren Criss, being the genius that he is, has created a song that sounds almost completely different. It's serious and dramatic and beautiful. Other favourites of mine by Darren Criss are "Human" and "Not Alone" from his EP "Human". The guy is a lyrical genius and one of the best musicians I have ever come across.

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