Forming connections

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Warmth. That's the first thing his body registers as the first threads of consciousness wrap around his mind, tugging and pulling. He senses it, seeping down to his very core as he wakes up from what feels like the most restful sleep he's had in a while.

It takes a few moments for Izuku's senses to stretch out and take in his surroundings, and even longer for him to remember exactly where he was at the moment. The warmth underneath him moves and it takes all of his well-honed instincts for him not to lose his composure. He does let out what can only be interpreted as a squeak when he realizes where he fell asleep last night.

Shinsou, still blissfully asleep and unaware of the human being he's currently clutching in his grasp like a glorified teddy bear, only hums and pulls him closer until Izuku's head ends up on his chest, face burrowed into the teen's shirt.

To his mortification, the noise he unwillingly lets out actually wakes up the subject of his panic this time.

He listens with an enthralled kind of fascination to Shinsou's lungs as they slowly lose their slow and even pace, breaking the rhythm that's been reaching his ears. He can even pinpoint the exact moment Shinsou seemed to realize the awkward position they were currently in. The echo of the teen's heart almost stuttering as it changed and sped up.

"G-good morning." Comes the uncharacteristic greeting, the stuttering only serves to emphasize Shinsou's nervousness.

"Morning," Izuku mumbles tentatively. When the teen doesn't make any immediate move to let go of him, he ventures even further. "Are you... going to let me go?" He doesn't mind, not really. The warmth and sheer safety he feels at the moment would be a testament to that. However, he can't help but feel a little overwhelmed. It's been a long time since he's had this much contact with... really anyone at all.

"Oh." As if just noticing his arm was still wrapped around Izuku's back, Shinsou lets go immediately. "S-Sorry." And it takes all of his resolve not to pull the teen back into the impromptu hug, then and there.

The sudden loss of warmth makes his body shiver involuntarily, but he ignores it. He straightens up until his back rests against the table behind them. They must've fallen asleep on the floor last night.

"I-it's okay." It seems the nerves were getting to him too. "W-what time is it?" Idly he wonders where he left his phone. The room was a total mess, considering the way Shinsou took the news last night.

"It's 9 am, I can't believe we slept that much." Shinsou huffs, moving to sit next to Izuku.

"Well, Mr. Insomniac, with your sleeping schedule it was bound to happen."

"Speak for yourself, your destructive sleeping habits were bound to rub off on me eventually. Shadow." Shinsou sing songs, his features stretching into what Izuku can only assume is a smirk.

Izuku can't stop the grin that grows and mirrors the teen's expression, almost subconsciously. Glad to see that no matter what happens, their relationship wasn't going to change.

It was probably selfish of him to want this. Selfish and cruel.

Familiar chains of doubt seem to grow like vines, threatening to suffocate him from the inside out. Guilt and dread growing and expanding in the pit of his stomach. However, before his mind can fall into the all too familiar spiral of overwhelming dark thoughts, he feels a hand clutch his own.

"You okay there, green?" Just as fast as he went in, he feels himself break free. The reminder of just what he had gained last night, making the storm brewing in his mind settle.

Before my heart gives out (My hero academia)Where stories live. Discover now