Why am I here?

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He gains awareness with a jolt, bolting upright, his whole body jerking forward. Milky green eyes wide with panic. His heart racing in his chest, thumping against his ribcage as he struggles to breathe. His entire body flaring with hot, searing pain. Bits and pieces of what happened to him flashing in his mind in succession.

He remembers falling. As if he was dropping from the face of the earth into a bottomless pit. Feelings of despair and pure hurt, engulfing his entire being.

Memories of a nameless aggressor. Flashes of a losing battle.

Crushing feelings of excruciating pain. Piercing every inch of his body.

He doesn't know where he is. Doesn't recognize anything around him. His senses are going haywire with random information.

His body shivers, a cold wisp of air hitting his bare skin.

He's not wearing his hood, there are bandages wrapped neatly across his torso. Binding his ribs together.

Vaguely, he can hear a voice talking to him. He can't make out all the words though.

The thumping of his heart roars in his ears and he can't seem to focus on anything else.

"Don't move." The voice says. "-re hurt. You have-" He doesn't recognize it. "-Stay still."

Two hands hold him down. Pushing him back onto the soft surface under him. A couch, maybe.

Trying to suppress his mounting panic, he tries to voice one of the endless questions swimming through his mind.

"W-who are you?" Izuku's voice feels rough and scratchy. Each word scrapes against his sore throat painfully as he tries to speak.

Two hands encircling his throat, squeezing until he's suffocating. Until he can't get his lungs to work. Until he can't breathe.

"Calm down. You need to breathe." His audible range is settling down now, and he's finally able to hear clearly. It's a woman's voice "I'm Chiyo Shuzenji, but you may know me as Recovery Girl. I'm only here to help."

His panic subsides slightly, but he can't help the wariness that grips onto his mind. He's not letting his guard down anytime soon.

Vigilantes aren't on the friendliest terms with heroes, after all.

"Where am I?" He inquires next. Not knowing what to make out of all of this.

"You're in Eraserhead's apartment. He found you after the two students you saved, told him which way you disappeared to." She says plainly. "If he'd found you just a few minutes later, you'd be dead."

At the information, his hand immediately shoots up towards his mask. Calloused fingers make contact with bare skin, numbly tracing the scar under his eye.

He's not wearing his mask.

"You've seen my face." It's not a question. He already knows the answer, after all.

It doesn't do well with his pounding heart. Doesn't help with the rising terror in his guts.

"I only removed your mask after he left the room." She reassures, "I had to, in order to heal you."

"I have to leave." He tries to lift his body up, but he's stopped once again. The hero's hands pushing him back onto the soft couch he's lying on. "I have to go." He repeats weakly.

"You need to stop moving!" She reprimands him disapprovingly. "I healed you with my quirk, but you still have extensive bruising marring most of your body. Not to mention a heavy concussion and multiple cracked ribs." She lists, voice rising with every injury she lists. "My quirk couldn't heal you in just one go and that, in itself, says something about the shape you were in." Her quirk; heal, allows her to amplify a person's natural healing abilities. He remembers hearing about it in a YouTube video.

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