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His instincts were telling him to run. To hightail it out of there and never look back. The soft ticking of the timer somewhere above him felt like an ominous warning, slowly marking the rapidly diminishing time.

His sense of duty and morality disagreed wholly with his instincts. The doubt, however, was fleeting in his mind as he laid there, listening to his own breathing.

Distantly, as if by a vague, detached thought running through his head. He realized that he'd already made his decision.

Stifling the urge to flee, to take cover and hide, he stayed. Ripping the gag from his mouth. Finally free of the uncomfortable, disgusting taste of dirt and grime, he took a moment to think.

The villain had stripped him of his weapons, but they hadn't searched him completely. Therefore, in the hope that his hunch was correct, he began the process of unbuckling the straps of his boot. Elation washed over him as the phone he had stashed there dropped to the ground. Hitting the concrete with a soft thud.

On habit alone, he pressed the first contact on the device. The call ringed only for a moment before it was answered. As if the man had scrambled to answer it as soon as the call went through.

"Shadow? Is that you?" The hero's voice was breathy, relief evident in his tone. "You have to get out of there, do you hear me?"

Taking a moment to exhale, steeling himself for the decision and the inevitable argument it would ensue. He spoke. "We both know that's not going to happen, Eraser." His voice is soft, yet steady, wanting the man to understand just how serious he was about this. "I'm the only one close enough to stop this. We're wasting time as it is." And before the man could object, he plowed on. "I need you to send someone to Hosu."

"Ingenium is already there, he's searching for the bomb as we speak." So they did get his message, good.

"Tell him it's underground, probably in the sewage system." He informed quietly. "I can feel them, Eraser, the energy thrumming through them is colossal. They will level the city."

"Then get the hell out of there kid, please, we can send professionals. You don't have to do this."

Behind the underground hero, Tsukauchi had already notified Ingenium, and was now busy trying to locate the call through satellite. A couple of minutes and they'd have Midoriya's location.

"You can try and find me, but you won't get there in time." He didn't need his sight to know the timer above him was ticking. Time was running out. "You know I'm right, Aizawa." And he added, as reassurance more than anything else. "And don't worry, I know for a fact that my area has been evacuated. There are no civilians nearby."

"How could you possibly know that?"

"I can sense it. That accident didn't just take away my sight, Eraserhead." And wasn't that a cruel reminder? Aizawa knew better than anyone just what the kid had lost that night.

"Midoirya, please, just get out of there, kid. You've already done enough." Even as he spoke, the tone in his voice gave away his resignation. He knew, that no matter what, the kid wasn't going to run away from this. It was just not in his nature.

A monitor beeped in the conference room, clear as day to Izuku's ears, even through the phone.

"I found it. I found the bomb" Static erupted from the device, indicating the lack of proper signal. "Shadow was right, it's in the sewers." And a moment later. "I sent you a picture."

"Oh my," The principal, even in crises, didn't lose the cadence in his voice as he spoke. "This will be quite tricky." Turning to the underground hero, the rodent's voice lowered, indicating the severity of the situation. "You're not going to like this, I'm afraid."

Before my heart gives out (My hero academia)Where stories live. Discover now