The calm

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Walking through the hospital was like walking down memory lane. His walking stick generates a soft thumping sound that echoes in the quiet.

He could hear the loud hum of the electrical current, flowing through the walls. Slithering through the cracks on the tiled floor, effectively lighting his world on fire. Bright lights sewn into the very ground in a web of flowing energy. Raw and alive, as if connecting him to the very essence of the hospital.

It also brought back unwanted memories.

Memories of a time that would haunt him until the very end. The day when he lost a part of himself.

When he lost everything.

Shaking away the resurfacing thoughts, he focuses on the people he could feel around him. Over time, and with great practice, he learned to focus his powers. He'd latch onto the thing he was searching for and would try and concentrate all his senses on that one thing.

So, following the rhythmic beating of one particular engine user's heart. He pinpointed his location.

Now, that he had changed into his normal attire, it was safe to scope out the hero's condition.

So, here he was, walking through the hospital's sterilized hallways. The omnipresent scent of antiseptics making his head hurt. He tried to shut it out though. It was also probably due to the aching in his shoulder. He had hastily patched himself up. Wanting to see if his effort ended up actually doing some good. Ingenium was a good hero, a great one even. Failing him would be too much.


He spots the hero through a slight crack in the door. The man is sitting up on the bed, back braced against the headrest. A woman and a boy sit by his side. Soft murmurs resonate across the room as they talk in hushed voices. Izuku thinks that the boy might be his age.

The setting is domestic, almost intimate and Izuku immediately feels like he's intruding on something that he shouldn't be intruding on. It reminds him of a time long gone. A time when he had someone to come home to. Someone to call out for when he crossed the doorway.

Memories of quiet Sunday mornings spent with his mother. Watching the morning news cuddled up under a blanket and hunched over two bowls of cereal. His mom would let him go on and on forever. Analyzing and discussing the latest hero fights or debuts.

Hospitals really weren't the best place for Izuku to be in these days.

Shaking the oppressive feelings of want and longing, he walks away.

Relief flooding his system as his worries subside. No longer scared for the hero's well-being.


He gets the call roughly in the last few matches of the sports festival.

It's sudden and vague but by the end of the call, Iida Tenya is excused from attending the rest of the award ceremony.

It's only when the festival comes to a close that he gets to sit down and register just what had occurred.

Stain, the Hero Killer had gone after Ingenium after encountering him in Hosu city.

According to Tsukauchi, the man would be either paralyzed or worst, if not for the intervention of one, particularly problematic vigilante.

Aizawa knows he should feel angry right now. The kid keeps putting himself in danger. Keeps getting into trouble. However, a part of him is glad to hear from the vigilante at all.

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