Shimmering hope

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It dawns on you, one day, how beautifully fragile we truly are. A single moment is all it takes to alter who we are, forever. Yet, we never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory, destined to fade as time slowly ebbs away.

Izuku learned just how precious life really was in that fateful night. It took losing everything he ever loved for him to finally see how truly short and priceless life was.

Losing her was like having a hole shot straight through his heart. A painful, constant reminder of an absence he could never fill.

He would henceforth, walk this earth, if only for a short time, completely and utterly alone. This beautiful and stunning world, which he will never be able to see again, will go on without him. He will not be able to watch the sunset as his mother hums to her favorite song on the radio. He will never be able to see the mountain tops, the pine trees, the world...

It's been two weeks since the incident, nurses are starting to give up on interacting with him.
This boy, once full of vibrant life was nothing more than a husk of the person he once was. Izuku had completely shut himself off, he'd only respond if addressed directly. His answers were short and straight to the point. His voice quiet, tone icy as dull green eyes stared into complete darkness. His now milky green eyes held an emptiness that no kid should ever have. His gaze spoke of sadness and loneliness but also of pure and blatant anger. Anger at the world who took everything away from him. The world that took his mother, his sight and his dreams away.

His lifelong dream of becoming a hero before the accident felt attainable, hard but not impossible, no one believed a quirkless kid could ever be a hero but he was going to show them how wrong they were. However, now, sitting here, in his hospital bed, blind and alone with only about eight years to live. That dream seemed so far out of his reach.

The social worker came in yesterday, informing him, that given the fact that he had no other known family members and they couldn't get a hold of his father, he'd be sent to the local orphanage as soon as he was fully recovered.

She assured him that they'd give him whatever he needed to cope with his blindness. The hospital had already provided for him a proper walking stick. However, they didn't know that he didn't actually need it.

Over the past few days, he'd gotten the hang of controlling his senses, at least, to an extent where he wasn't constantly overwhelmed by the onslaught of information his brain was receiving all at once.

They didn't know about the abilities he gained from the chemicals in his system. The chemicals that were slowly killing him had altered his DNA apparently. The doctors didn't know how it was possible and what would be the consequences but it happened nonetheless.

He was somehow able to visualize the sound waves coming from any movement around him, whether it was the slow gust of wind coming from the window, to the heartbeats of every living thing in his vicinity. He could smell the perfume of the head nurse even if she was at the other end of the hospital. He could sense the swift flow of energy and electricity humming in the walls, count the people present in the building by visualizing the heat coming from their bodies. His senses were heightened to an unnatural degree, he didn't know what else the chemicals had changed but he'd make sure to find out as soon as they let him out of this place.

He couldn't wait to leave the hospital. The people here were treating him like glass and he hated that. He hated being handled as if he would break. You're already broken. A voice in his head whispered. He shook his head, trying to kick those thoughts away. He wasn't broken, he couldn't be. He needed to be strong.

Before my heart gives out (My hero academia)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz