A beautiful day

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"Is that boy going to keep loitering around or is he going to actually buy something?" Mr. Yoshida's gruff voice sounded next to him. The man's irritated words falling short as Izuku detected the barely concealed amusement in his tone.

It's been a couple of days since his reunion with Bakugou.

Since then, the boy has been coming to the store every morning. Although he figures that the teen doesn't realize that Izuku knows he's there. Given that Katsuki never actually says anything or tries to interact with him directly.

Nonetheless, Midoriya feels the teen's eyes following his every move from the minute he steps into the room up until the moment he steps out. Scanning Izuku, observing him for any sign of-- something. Izuku isn't quite sure what... Maybe some kind of indication that Izuku is safe and healthy. He's honestly not sure.

He tries his best to ignore it though. If that's what Bakugou needs in order to move on and forget about him... then so be it.

That doesn't mean he doesn't feel the slight pang in his heart every time the teen leaves without talking to him.

Despite his determination to disregard the other boy's watchful gaze. An involuntary sigh of relief escapes him when the teen finally decides to leave, probably satisfied with whatever he saw today. With a soft click, the convenience store's door slides shut behind him. Almost immediately, he can feel his body losing some of its gathered tension and he allows himself to relax, to breathe.

A suppressed coughing fit finally bursts from his mouth as he frantically reaches for the box of paper tissues on the counter in front of him. Hissing as his throat- already scrapped raw- pangs with each wet cough that forces itself out of his abused system. The morbidly familiar taste of copper once again rising to the surface, probably visible in the white tissue that resides in his grip. A dark, noticeable red, he imagines.

He can feel Mr. Yoshida's eyes on him, but he finds himself more preoccupied with the breath he's trying to force into his deprived lungs.

After what feels like a lifetime, but can't be more than a few seconds. He breathes again. The episode, finally over.

He stands there for a few more minutes afterward. Hands gripping the counter, knuckles white as he supported his weight against the cold marble-like structure. Not fully trusting his body to obey him just yet. When he feels like his legs aren't going to betray him, he straightens out. Huffing lightly as he gets back to work, electing to ignore his boss's palpable worry.

He really needed to see a doctor.

He pushes through the rest of his shift with only that thought in mind.

It was going to be a long day.


It's barely noon when Mr. Yoshida insists that he leaves early. A rough and impatient 'Go home, boy, you're scaring off the customers.' The harsh words barely serve to conceal the underlying worry in the older man's voice. Making it even harder for Izuku to protest.

Patrol isn't an option at this point. Therefore, with no other reason for him to stall and avoid the impending confrontation. He makes his way to the hospital.

Limbs stiff with tension as he climbs onto the correct bus. The one headed for his chosen destination.

Dread pooled in his stomach as he got closer and closer to the one place he's been avoiding for years now. The place that lingers at the back of his thoughts. Reminding him of a time that had greatly affected him. White sterile walls that had witnessed his life changing forever. His entire world spiraling out of control as a consequence.

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