As my heart gives out

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The world tilted and morphed yet never settled. His head ached, his skull throbbing as he tried to tune back into his surroundings. Dust and dirt caked the air around him, making it incredibly hard to breathe. Something heavy weighed down on his chest, the crushing pressure made it impossible for his chest to expand. He tried to move, the action only brought intense, overwhelming pain, erupting in his leg from a wound he could not identify.

He couldn't feel his arm, a desperate part of him wondered if it was even still there. He hoped it was. Hoped it was only the boulder that was currently restricting his blood flow. His breath came in heaves, panic rising, almost suffocating with its intensity. It surprised him, really, that he was breathing at all. The third bomb was smaller than the others. It seems its sole purpose was to take out the warehouse. To take him out.

He could taste copper on his tongue, it made him want to wretch. Tears sprung to his unseeing eyes, a groan escaping his lips as he tried once again to lift the boulder caging him in. His limbs felt heavy, unresponsive. His entire body burned, pain flaring with every muscle he tried to use. He was going to die here, wasn't he?

The thought made him feel numb. Disconnected from the reality bearing down on his entire being. Was this how it was going to end?

"-Ku can you hear me?" The soreness in his head amplified as he tried to listen. The new presence brought overwhelming relief. The voice was familiar. Achingly so. "You're going to be okay! We're going to get you out of there, do you hear me?" And as if calling out to someone else, " Uraraka! I need you to move this boulder!"

The weight crushing him to the ground disappeared, as whatever was holding him down was floated into the air. A new kind of pain erupted in its place as the blood rushed to his legs.

Something pressed into his wounds, his vision turning white for a moment, overtaking the previous darkness.

"Shit." The hero hissed from his place above him, "You need to stop moving, okay? This is going to hurt."

"Ai- Aizawa?" His throat felt raw, the words sandy and stinging. A distant part of him thought it was somehow fitting, that he was here. The same man who'd been there, all those years ago, when it all began. His vision was blurring, dark spots forming around the world.

"It's okay, you're going to be alright. I just need to keep applying pressure." Shouting to someone behind him, he continued, "Ca-all an ambulance!" His voice cracked. Shattering his composure.

"What- what do we do?" Shinsou was here too? It wasn't safe, what was he doing here? His mind felt foggy, detached.

"Help me get him out of here. This structure isn't going to hold out for long."

"B-but h-his arm-"

"Now Shinsou! I need you to pull yourself together!"

Without truly registering the words, he felt two pairs of arms wrap around him.

They lifted him, the movement bringing unfiltered agony, racing through his entire body, and lighting his nerves on fire. Something wet dripped onto his forehead. His mind distantly noted that it was starting to rain.

That was good? Right? It meant the fire would disappear. He wanted it to.


They walked slowly, carefully, trying their hardest not to jostle him. However, before they could make it out of the rubble and into the open street, a rumble sounded around them.

The ground shook, pebbles vibrating from their resting place at their feet.

A great massive boom resounding through the air as a figure crashed into the building situated right next to them.

Before my heart gives out (My hero academia)Where stories live. Discover now