Infinity: Part 2

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"See him down there?" Tony pointed to the wizard, who was now awake and groaning in pain, the creature probably taunting him quietly. "He's in trouble. What's your plan, Peter. Go."

"We could-" Lena started.

"Lena, sh."


"I value your contributions greatly, but for Peter to understand the severity of the situation he needs to make an attempt to solve it."

"Okay, um," he crouched down, looking like he was trying to get a better view.

Lena felt an idea pop into his head.

"Okay. Did you ever see this really old movie Aliens?"

Tony sighed, "God."

"No! No listen!" he stood back up, more confident, "You, Lena, and the...cape get...whatever that is...its attention, right? Then you blast a hole in the side of the ship. The vacuum of space will pull it right out, I make sure the wizard doesn't fly out with him, and then..." she could tell he had only thought that far ahead, but luckily one of the world's most intelligent people was in their midst.

"I can patch the hole with this new nano-tech I've got going in this suit."

"Yeah, yeah! That's-that's exactly what I was thinking."

"No it wasn't," Tony had now sighed more times than Lena could count, "Okay. Not bad. Let's do it."

"Wait, really?"

"Yes, really. Are you ready?"

"Y-yeah I'm ready."

"Lena," Tony looked at her, she could almost see the stress reverberating off his person.



The top of the cape did a nodding-like motion, making Lena question if it was actually sentient. It should not have been something she was so worried about, the impending doom of being in outer space being pretty high up there, but the non-quivocal question of the sentience of garment of clothing.

Can you sing? Peter asked her.

I got the wind knocked out of me earlier, but I think I'm fine now.

"Lena stay right next to me. Peter, when deformed squidward turns around, land right by the wizard so that you're ready to web him."

With as much stealth as they could manage, Lena followed Tony over to behind where the creature was continuing to torture the wizard. When they got close enough, hovering slightly above it to give themselves the high ground, she could barely hear him explaining how the needles he was using was used in the medical field, but then he stopped.

The creature turned around slowly, staring at them, unbothered.

"I could end your friend's life in an instant."

"I gotta tell you, he's not really my friend. Saving his life is more of a...professional cutesy."

"You'll save nothing. Your powers are inconsequential compared to mine."

"Yeah, but, the kid's seen more movies."

Lena watched as Tony blasted a hole in the right side of the ship, everything swinging into motion as the vacuum of space attempted to suck their bodies into oblivion. The creature flew out first, almost followed by Lena if Tony hadn't grabbed her by the torso as she was dragged away. She was so focused on everyone around her that she hadn't remembered to aim her repulsors away from the vacuum.

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