Infinity: Part 4

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It had been a few hours, and the inside of Lena's suit was starting to cling to her from all the sweat building up. They had already engaged in physical combat, and now they were about to participate in more. When this was all over, and she was back in the safety of her room, she would be taking a long swim and spending a good amount of time in the shower.

She had been sitting in solitude since her conversation with Dr. Strange, contemplating what could be so critical that she does not know. Lena had a great grasp of time, and a good understanding that things were messy and could change at the drop of a hat. Her entire life turned into that when Peter and Tony had found her.

What she was now realizing from herself is that she had developed a very human attachment to those around her. When she was living in the ocean, she did not bother with the wellbeing of those around her, because it was never an issue. Her sisters had never cared for her, and she did not care for them. Peter and Tony, it was different. They were her family.

Was one of them going to die?

Panic struck her stomach. What if they all did not make it out of this?

She had no idea when Thanos was showing, so she had to calm herself down as quickly as possible. She inhaled and exhaled slowly, from muscle memory, and reminded herself that she had a special capability that allowed her to see when people were hiding things from her. Dr. Strange could literally be not telling her something much broader than what was directly related to herself.

That was what she was going to tell herself.

She shut her eyes for a moment, sitting in the calm she had created for herself and then reopened them when she heard someone talking.

She was hidden in a small area directly behind Dr. Strange. She wanted to see the being for herself when he arrived, but now in her hiding spot, she could only see his silhouette. He was large, hairless, and muscular. He did a good job looking like the threat that Tony was emphasizing that he was.

As they spoke, something materialized around them. It was as if Thanos was changing the scene around them with just the wave of his hand. Lena's eyes darted to it. On his fist rested a gold gauntlet with a set of jewels on the knuckles, some of them missing. One of them was just around Dr. Strange's neck. The possession he had focused so hard on keeping safe, that he was willing to sacrifice everyone's lives.

She knew he needed to have the only good outcome just like everyone else. She reminded herself of that again, just to ease her anxieties.

When she recollected her focus, the two were bickering about his intentions, about Thanos's overwhelming power. Dr. Strange's tone was sarcastic and unimpressed, but when she heard Thanos's intentions, she understood why everyone had been trying to keep it from herself and Peter, and they had succeeded.

Thanos wanted to vanquish half of life in the universe, at random. He was referring to it as a benevolent act, rather than cruel. It was written all over him. This was an ambition that he had been going after for years, and now he was collecting the means to execute it, along with trillions of human, and apparently nonhuman lives.

She wanted to throw up. How could someone like this create her species?

She heard the sound of Strange's voice rising, and heard him fire up his...mystic arts. It was hard to focus on anyone else with Thanos now there. She thought she might have to hone in on him, but his aura was reverberating against the rubble of the planet around them. She knew it would be even worse when she tried to trance him.

They had talked over the coms regarding more specifics, each man rattling off their different attack strategies. There was no way to predict how Thanos would react to any of those, so they formed a basic skeleton of an order with an obvious target: when the time was right, trance the enemy so they could pull off the gauntlet.

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