Infinity: Part 3

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The small explosion is followed by chaos. Lena knew that the threat was manageable, but she still groaned in pain as she lifted herself to her feet. This would be the second time that something knocked her over. Thankfully, this time she did not lose her singing capability.

It was hard to discern exactly what was happening. She heard a man's voice bellow Thanos's name. She felt the sort-of-alive cape zip past her face, and her attention was caught by the strange woman chasing after Peter. He was whimpering another reference to the movie Alien when Lena collided with her, knocking her over to the ground. They rolled a few feet until Lena had her pinned.

She was a strange woman; large, buggy eyes, two antennae extending from her forehead. When trying to read her, she felt it go both ways, as if someone was sifting through her head as well.

"You are scared, terrified. Not of us, but of yourself. You fear that he knows the truth, and he will not love you anymore," she had a small, timid voice, and she spoke bluntly in a way that angered Lena. Why was this creature declaring her most inner thoughts? Did she have no discretion? Did she not notice that they were adversaries?

Lena never acted out of anger, but when the bug-lady pointed out that she was becoming angry, Lena punched her, right in the face.

"All right everybody stay where you are...chill the F out!" she heard a voice shout.

They were in a standstill. A discolored, muscular man was under Tony's foot, a human male with an odd-looking helmet had Peter in a headlock, a gun pointed at his head, and Dr. Strange had a strange orange shield separating himself from the group, but still ready to attack.

"I'm going to ask you this one time," the male removed his helmet, "Where's Gamora?"

"I'll do you one better, who is Gamora?" Tony struck back quickly.

The blue and red colored being decided to speak up at Tony from under his foot, "I'll do you one better! WHY is Gamora!"

His confidence in the question was very misplaced.

"Tell me where the girl is, or I swear to you, I will French-fry this little freak."

"NO!" Lena found herself shrieking before she could stop herself, but she did not take her weight off the bug lady. She was calling herself Mantis.

Their opponents looked at her, confused.

"She is in love with him-"

Lena raised her fist for another blow.

"Woah! Lena no need! No need!" Tony said, "You wanna shoot my guy, fine! I'll blast him," he powered up whatever odd weapon he had manifested from his suit.

"Do it, Quill! I can take it," the gruff voice had more misplaced confidence. Lena was starting to notice that as a pattern, but looking further into him she could practically see his entire life. The guy was an open book. An open book whose name was Drax.

No, it was Drax the Destroyer. This day kept getting more strange.

"No, he can't," Mantis said.

"You're right, he can't," Dr. Strange felt the need to add to this conversation, apparently.

It continued, the back and forth. There were more sarcastic comments, Tony got more exasperated with the obvious ignorance and stupidity around him. Lena stopped herself from punching Mantis one or more times. When they all finally got to the consensus that they were on the same side, grips loosened, Peter lifted Lena off of Mantis, and they started going about their business in different ways.

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