Tranquility: Part 6

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Birds chirped as they stood at the center of the football field, both of their eyes locked on who Lena had started calling The Arsonist. The way that she was holding him under her trance was as if he was suspended in time, frozen in the same position that he had bounded in with. She was willing him not to move an inch.

The sound of rockets brought their eyes to the sky, Mr. Stark's suited figure lowering into a landing. The sound of Lena's vibrato was ringing in his ears, her voice sounding weaker than it had been when she started singing 15 minutes ago. When he landed next to them, the shell of the helmet around his head collapsed into the back of his neck, and a look of concern was plastered across his face. He was stern, walking around the villain, taking in every detail.

Peter looked over at Lena, whose eyes had started to droop, her mouth sagging from exhaustion. There was a heaviness about her that he could feel, every one of her limbs begging her to crumble underneath her, her mind begging her to let it take a rest. Still, she held herself upright, the song continuing to resonate through her vocal folds and into the ears of their enemy.

Mr. Stark forced the man's arms behind his back in a violent effort. The blare of police sirens echoed off the building of the school, and Peter watched a helicopter descend, the outline of a sniper fixating a direct shot onto the Arsonist's head. Lena was fading, resources were slim, and he was running out of time. Mr. Stark couldn't take the risk that a set of handcuffs would keep the man contained - no matter how high tech they might be.

"Sweetheart, you can stop singing now," Mr. Stark's voice was rough and riddled with frustration. The sound of her voice stopped, and she fell to her knees, and then onto her palms, keeping herself as upright and using her arms for support. Peter stepped towards her and lifted her up by the waist, allowing her to get an arm around his shoulders. Her head dropped onto his chest.

When the man gained consciousness, he was quiet, much to their surprise. His knees also buckled in an unexpected surrender, and if Peter could have seen Mr. Stark's face, it would be a stone cold expression masking how he really felt: confusion.

"What evils have I done," the man spoke quietly, letting his chin fall to his chest.

"Guys, go...go back to school."

"Mr. Stark-"

"Peter, I'll take it from here."

"But this is our villain, sir."

Mr. Stark's nostrils flared, and a familiar look came over his face, it was the look Peter was always given when he tried to push a boundary and ended up putting himself in danger. Only this time, they had things under control.

For the most part.

"Do you think this is a game, Mr. Parker? Do you think you are in some sort of comic book? This is not a villain, this man is a high profile criminal," each word hit Peter individually and with a different amount of force. All pride Peter thought his mentor had for him had suddenly disintegrated with three sentences of parental-esque lecture. Peter felt his hands ball into fists, but he couldn't bring himself to argue with Mr. Stark, and with Lena heavily leaning against him, inches away from passing out, Peter had to set his priorities in order.

Without another word, and making sure she was secured to the left side of his body, Peter hobbled to find the nearest building. If anything was certain, it was that neither of them could show up at Midtown dressed as their alter-egos. With Lena and Peter missing, it would be blatantly obvious that it was them. So, Peter set a direct route for his apartment, figuring they could change as quickly as possible before heading right back to school. Lena was fast asleep by the time he suspended himself in the air to start swinging.

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