Tranquility: Part 5

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Lena finished her math test early, turning it in before anyone else. She had checked and double-checked all of her calculations, and knew for certain she had gotten every answer correct. Math had become her favorite subject. It was simple problem solving, no complex thinking, everything had a perfectly laid out step that she had to memorize to get the correct answer. She had bonded with Tony over the liking they both took to it. He checked her homework every night, rarely finding a mistake.

It had meant that she started out in the Freshman math level, and worked her way up the Junior level. She was a year ahead of most of the kids in her grade. She had felt Peter's surprise when she had walked into the Pre-Calculus class on the third week of school, and he felt his surprise again as she turned in her exam.

When she sat back down, she opened her laptop to find something to do with the remaining time she had. Opening a browser, the first image that flashed in front of her face was an image of her, standing firmly on the top of the building, Spider-Man at her side. She clicked on the article, curious as to what they could have written about her.

Below the image of her looking powerful was one of a completely opposite nature. Looking curiously at the picture, she was finally able to piece together what had happened in her final, conscious moments. The enemy had grabbed her by the neck until she passed out, Peter had tried to hold his own, but Tony had eventually swooped in and saved the day.

A strange arsonist attacked a building in Midtown early last evening. The fiend could be heard for hours, begging for the set of vigilantes, Spider-Man and The Siren, to come and oppose him. Hardly two minutes after arriving, the Siren was rendered unconscious. This is the first account of The Siren being practically defeated, simply by a matter of the noise around her masking her mysterious, luring voice.

Both heroes made it out of the situation alive, but without the arsonist or his accomplice in captivity. NYPD is in the process of developing theories and are on the hunt for leads.

Lena had a small feeling that the arsonist was not the leader of the duo they had encountered.

The strangulation had caused her to completely black out, detaching her mind completely. The period of complete silence, the loss of any comprehension, it had caused her to wake in almost panic. She was completely disoriented. Even in her sleep, she had grown used to Peter's constant, calming presence in her head, and the lengthy period of time where he had been missing was startling.

Lena, exit out of that page before someone notices what you're reading.

She looked to her left to find Peter still taking his test, but his eyes were angled upward at her. Rolling her own, she hit the red 'x' and shut her laptop, laying her head in her arms until the class period was over.

Hey, what did you get for number 23?

Peter, we cannot use this for-

I'm joking, I'm joking.

She sent him a mental image of her flicking him in the ear, which he responded with an image of him kissing her neck. She blushed and let her face fall further into the crook of her elbows.

At lunch, she could feel the vibrating excitement of the students around her. Some of the guys were making fun of Eugene Thompson for Peter being chosen over him (which she would never understand, Peter was much more of a catch than Eugene. He was gentle and kind, while Eugene was hard, insecure, and mean). The others were whispering about the recent hero fight that had happened only a few blocks away from their school. It was interesting to be spoken about when the people who were doing the speaking had no clue that their subject was in their midst.

the siren |peter parker x siren!oc|Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora