Serenity Part: 19

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He wasn't sure why he spent his time chasing her. Every step forward was becoming two steps back. He respected that she was holding back, he just wasn't sure why. He wanted to know why.

What is going on?

His alarm went off at 6 am, dragging him out of a sleep that was more comforting than he wanted to admit. He never imagined sleeping next to someone as being peaceful or easier: having a heated body on a shared bed sounded crowded. With Lena, though, he always slept like a rock and woke up feeling refreshed.

They fit together like a puzzle piece. Everything about being with her seemed right, except for the fact that she didn't seem to want to be with him.

Or kiss him, at least.

They had fallen asleep tangled in each other's limbs. Both of her arms were tucked into her chest, his arms holding her lower back and her head. When he woke, he could smell her shampoo from his face being buried in the top of her scalp. It smelled like coconut.

Trying not to wake her, he kissed the top of her head and pulled himself to the ceiling, falling lightly on his feet. She was a light sleeper, and it was surprising that she hadn't woken up yet. If she was still asleep by the time he left for school, he figured he would leave a note with instructions on where everything was.

As he was brushing his teeth in the bathroom that May and he shared, he heard her yell something from the kitchen, directly after the ding of the toaster. He spat and walked out to hear what she actually said.

"What was that?"

May was fumbling around the kitchen, as usual, dressed for work and looking hurried.

"The boiler at your school broke or something. I don't know. I got a phone call from the principal - you know one of those pre-recorded messages - saying that school will probably be canceled until the weekend. Isn't that neat? You'll be able to keep your friend company!" she put two Eggo waffles on a plate and set it in front of him, "If you want more, you know where to find them, I'm off to work."

She took off, the door closing loudly behind her.

After eating his waffles, he returned to his room to find Lena still fast asleep, her face looking a lot less tense than it had yesterday. It was odd to him that she had been nervous about meeting his aunt, but after their long introduction and her not looking too far into Lena's awkward way of speaking, the women warmed to each other.

He rubbed his eyes, knowing that he could catch up on sleep, and gracefully webbed himself back into bed, re-positioning his arms around Lena. He could have easily just fallen into the lower bunk, which wouldn't have risked her waking, but they obviously both slept better in each other's arms, so why wouldn't he try that?

He closed his eyes again, glad that he was able to sleep in.

He woke to Lena stirring, her eyes fluttering open like a baby deer seeing the world for the first time. She smiled at the sight of Peter, sitting up and stretching her arms toward the sky. The elastic holding her braid together had fallen out sometime during the night, and the bottom half of her hair looked like a set of ocean waves piling over each other. She looked at it, amused, and shook the remaining hair out of place and over her shoulders. She looked beautiful, sitting in front of him with the sun shining on her face. Her sunflower smile yearned to find the warmth of the beams coming through his window.

He made her some waffles, noting that it was now 8am, and clicked the TV on to see what was happening in the world. She sat on the bar stool, her legs swinging back and forth as she ate.

"There are still endless questions for Stark Industries on this new superhero that they have introduced to Queens, New York. Here with us in the studio is the brother of one of the victims taken by this supposed siren race. His sister was on one of the rescue ships sent out to investigate. Tell us your take."

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