Serenity: Part 7

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Peter was overjoyed that he had made that connection with her, and that she wanted to return it had him walking on air. It was the first step in hopefully adapting her to a life similar to a human being. She slipped back into the water, something resembling a smile lingering on her face.

I would like to tell you my story.

Now that he was used to hearing her voice inside his head, he allowed himself to listen to how it actually sounded, even though he wasn't technically hearing it. She had a low, soothing voice, similar to how she sang. When he thought of a siren, he typically imaged a high soprano-like voice, but her low alto sound captured him just as much. He wondered if the others had different vocal types or if they were all the same. If they reproduced asexually as she had described, then they would all have the exact same vocal folds. She was different in that she was half human, so maybe she was the odd one out.

Peter nodded, wishing he could communicate back to her. He had so many questions that she wouldn't be able to answer for a long time.

Instead of sitting back in his chair, he crouched down and leaned his head up against the side of the glass. He could hear the soothing sound of the water circulating the containment, and her voice inside his head like earbuds. There was a pleasant, warm feeling in his stomach, and he knew he was somewhat underneath her spell. It was a sensation that he knew he would have to get used to, as well as trust. Until she could speak it was the only way that she would be able to communicate with him.

As she told her story, he was shown images to go along with it. It was like watching a movie. The beginning was something he had already seen in his sleep; a human and a siren falling in love, creating a child, but the horror that followed was difficult for him to watch. The set of lovers had their throats torn out by the creatures for going against the siren law. A brutal way to be killed. The child, however, was preserved, after much deliberation.

She was beaten down. Her existence was held over her head like a cat toy on a string. They demanded her to be grateful for her life and abused her at the same time. She was isolated, picked on, her tail was nipped on by pointed incisors, and no single siren seemed to be on her side. She was hated only for being born by a human.

To prevent her from moving onto land as her mother did, the base of her tail and the mid-waist were tied with a rope, tightly. Apparently, it was cursed, but Peter knew that this had to be a trick placed in her mind. Unless there was such thing as magic, which was now entirely possible, he felt like he could cut the rope with a good pair of scissors or a knife.

She had never experienced love or care. This was the first time anyone had asked her about her.

Through this trance, he felt the same emotions she felt. The tear slipping down his face was completely involuntary. The intense amounts of pain she felt day by day, the strong desire to cease from living, it was a depression much like many teenagers his age faced. He could tell that she just didn't have the resources to pursue death by her own hand. She was subject to a life she didn't ask to live.

Peter hoped that they had saved her.

He turned around, pressing his forehead against the cold glass and subdued a sob. The desire to cry was strange, as he had known this being for less than a day, but he knew that it was partially due to her strong emotions feeding through the spell. Still, e felt an inexplicable tie to her. A fishing line connected their hearts. He opened his eyes to see her silver irises, a fragment of compassion lingering in them.

"I'm so, so sorry."


His siren became his new research project. Mr. Stark even approved him to become the lead worker on her, entrusting him to do what was right and ethical and to be as thorough as possible. It was an extension of his Stark Internship. Per Aunt May's request, his routine became homework, patrol, and then siren.

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