Saturday 9:00am

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The room was dust-filled, almost choking. Theo's shoulders aches from the lifting of boxes and various items the theatre department had used once and then stored away only to never use again. What a waste of budget.

The room was eerily quiet as the boys bunched stuff into boxes, minus the occasional assortment of huffs and throat clearings every 10 seconds from Kit and him sometimes pausing to wipe his black hair that flopped lazily over his forehead. A fly hovered in the air, buzzing and bouncing against the door.

"Can you shut the fuck up?" Theo said, bluntly.
"You know, I was nice to you yesterday, but I take back everything. Your art was shit. I hate it, everyone does." Kit replied, another one of his renowned smiles flourishing across his face, this time his eyes coruscated and a dimple was accentuated. He undeniably relished in taunting Theo.
Theo stayed silent, and carried on moving one of the props from Beauty & the Beast play into the affiliated box.

"Why do you hate me?" He said after a few minutes went by.
"I don't hate anybody..." Kit began, before trailing off.

He envisioned his father, images of his mother cowering as he screamed at her, Kit trying to break them apart only to be ignored like mud on the bottom of a shoe.

The fly hummed loudly.

"Maybe a few people." He continued, "Nobody at school though. I can assure you I do not care about you enough to hate you."

Theo noticed him shifting weight from one side of his body to the other, before he turned back to face the other boxes and swiftly began grabbing more of the heavier stuff. 

"Okay, why do you friends hate me?" Theo started up again.
"Jesus. Why do you think?" He riposted, turning around expeditiously, dropping one of the boxes in the process.
"Calm down... I'm just asking."
"They're not my friends anyways. Plus you know why they hate you. You want me to spell it out?" Kit stated, much more calmly than before and took a few shallow breaths.

"Thought so. And if they're not your friends why do you hang out with them?"
"You really are the dumbest, smartest person I've met, Theo. They're my teammates I have to hang out with them and be all buddy-buddy. Plus, no offence, but I don't want to be a fucking loner like you, got it?"
"Saying no offence doesn't make it less offensive."
"Christ, Theo cut the crap, I am so very close to getting fucking mad, so shut the fuck up and stack." He shouted, before facing his back to Theo again.

"Nah." Theo said coarsely, staring carelessly at Kit who was now kneeling on the floor infront of him, throwing random stuff into the boxes. Kit froze, leered at Theo before placidly standing up and then suddenly throwing the box he was ordering onto the pile and grabbed Theo's shoulder vigorously. He then proceeded to push him against the wall, knocking Theo's head against it brutally. Theo began hearing ringing and he slammed his eyes shut in an attempt to quiet it.

"I was trying to be nice, but you're fucking asking to be punched, you asshole." He said orotundly, pressing him tighter against the wall, locking Theo into place. Now Theo's eyes were shut to protect him, he gulped hardly, feeling his throat closing up as he waited for knuckles to meet his temple to add to the continuous whistling going around in his head.

Nothing came.

Theo opened his eyes, which interlocked with Kit's. Kit's eyes widened and he pulled back, letting go of Theo before stumbling into the pile of boxes behind him. He grimaced and a flush crept across his cheeks.

Theo was still disorientated from the sudden whack, but it seemed almost as if Kit was even more confused.

"What was that?" Theo stammered.
Kit shook his head, before standing up rapidly and storming out of the room, slamming the door behind him, leaving Theo standing there, a wave of  blur flew across his eyes as he stared down at the cluster of boxes that had just been trashed again.

The fly was dead.


Kit stood stiff and rigid in the corner of the party, watching everyone around him flooding around. His head was racing, being mixed up like a cake mix, but he couldn't quite distinguish with what. He just knew that he felt something different like something was wrong with him. He looked over at the distinct red cups scattered over the floor, accompanied by one or two people passed out near them, and a table filled with drinks and food. He heard the clatter of beer bottles and chanting of 'chug', paired with the drowned out music, popular stuff mixed with older 2000s songs. Everyone around him was mostly drunk or tipsy, he was just gone even without alcohol. People were making out in the corners of each room, everyone dancing around him, with a few stumbles here and there. Every so often he'd hear something shatter, a glass or a vase. He felt the stickiness of the inside, sweat building up on everyone creating a humid atmosphere.

"Hey, dude!" Was shouted, followed by clapping in front of his face, jolting Kit back. Kade shoved a beer into his hand, "Loosen up dipshit." Kit smiled amiably, and took it, gripping onto it tightly, pushing his thoughts into it.

"What's wrong with you?" Kade hissed.
"Nothing." Kit shouted, trying to sound clear over the music which was now much louder than he heard previously. He inhaled the beer in one swig before crushing the can and pelting it across the room.

"There we go!! Cheer up mate, you're acting like a girl." Kade sneered before walking away to join the crowd.

After that Kit felt much better, lighter at least. The words scrambled in his brain were pushed further back. Not gone, but not at the forefront. He began to walk over to the table filled with free drinks, and started gulping them down like he'd been left on a desert. His throat was left dry and everything felt dizzy but he couldn't think anymore. Nothing left to think about other than how he now suddenly felt fine. It's like he was carrying so many things and the drinks just released it from him, there isn't enough room for all of them no matter how much muscle he gained from training or the height he inherited from his father, which was now clear wasn't the only thing he inherited.

"Hey Kit!" He just about made out from a high-pitched voice behind him, "Come!"

This was honestly the only reason he came. He wanted to feel normal again, and what better to do that than to hook-up with some random girl who had been dying to do it since freshman year.  Her delicate, painted fingers wrapped around his harsh knuckles and contrasted the cracked skin he had built up. He looked at her, trying to pick apart her appearance.

She had seraphic cerulean eyes, that glimmered with bliss when he accepted the hand-holding, her lips creeped up into a dainty smile. She was gorgeous, but there was something off. Her arm extended as she pulled along Kit, and looked over at her friends, giving them a thumbs-up before bringing him to the bathroom, locking the door behind him. Kit had hooked up with girls before, anytime he felt weird he'd just find somebody who wanted to fuck him but didn't want anything else. No feelings, just his face, and body. He didn't care too much, because he was using them too. After all, they were both using each other to feel better about themselves, and most of the girls knew that nothing would come out of it considering he hadn't dated anyone for more than one month. So they fucked. And then he left, stumbled home, and felt normal again. To some extent.

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