We Need to Talk

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"Kit! Kit!" Faith jumped up from her chair and sprinted to his side as she wiped away a slather of orange juice from her mouth. 

"Oh gosh, here we go." Mrs. Sheih scoffed, and she began stacking up the dishes and cutlery. Luca had already rushed off into his lair before everyone else had even finished, he downed his food so fast it was shocking he hadn't been sick. The rest of them had stayed seated, talking until the others had finished, "She has been wanting to do this all week." 

"Can I paint your nails, please?" She had already grabbed onto his hands and was tugging at them to pull him into the living room. 

Kit gritted his teeth and stared over at Theo who was smiling to himself.

"She asked me, but then I told her, 'you know who has been really needing a manicure...' and I offered you up for the task!" He then stood up and took a few of the plates from his mom, and began to wander off into the kitchen. 

As he walked past, Kit leaned in and whispered to him "I will make it my mission in life to teabag you in your sleep."

"Wow, devoting your life to me? Flattered you may color me."  

He'd then felt the tugging move to the arm of his sleeve, and kicking at his ankles.

"Come on!! You can choose the color. I painted my mommy's pink. Theo told me that if I asked to paint yours pink you'd suffocate him, so I won't do that." Mrs. Sheih showed off her nails that had been chipped off already, probably because the nail polish was from a kid's set of polish from target, "I did mine yellow and added stickers!!" She stuck her fingers so far into his face that he couldn't even see the actual design. 

"Fine." He'd just rub it off as soon as he got home anyway, Rose had varnish remover and his dad didn't get home from work until 5 pm. He'd rather shrivel up into a clump of skin, but Faith was excited about this, even if it was because Theo decided to be an asshole, and he didn't particularly want to smash up a 3-year-old's happiness.

"Yay!! I'm going to be a nail painter when I'm older." She chirped, eyes lighting up. 

Her profession changed anytime her dad brought her a new set of toys or there was a new TV show on. 

"What colors do you have?" Kit asked as he trailed along behind her bouncing steps into the living room. 

She pulled a neon pink, heart-shaped treasure box from underneath the coffee table that had been embellished with an assortment of glitters and stickers and opened the clip that kept it closed. 

"Pink, Yellow... obviously! Red, blue, purple, green, or black." She was lining them up in front of him, "But if you look, I have different blues! Mama said this was turquoise and this was navy." She pointed at the two.

"Black, please." It seemed the least daunting. 

"How boring." Faith mumbled as she swiveled off the silver lid. Theo was standing in the doorway idly, holding onto a mug of coffee. 

Faith grabbed his hands and stuck them on top of a magazine cover, "Don't move or I will beat up your brother, got it?" She stated, very bluntly. 

"Right." He nodded and looked over to Theo with a furrowed brow, which was responded with a shrug.  

Kit was still feeling quite drained from what he'd blame on the crying, but it was probably just everything. 

Faith had started off doing surprisingly well, but on his pinky, she knocked herself and it ended up going onto his skin. KIt suppressed an irritable sigh, but he did that by taking in an audible intake of breath so it still sounded like one.

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