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Inevitably, Kit had a fake ID and was 3 beers and 2 vodka shots down, already feeling a tingle of euphoria. The vibrations of an electric guitar were buzzing across the floor, people were screaming and blue strobe lights flashed down on everyone.

Theo hated it, but focused on the music, trying to distract himself from feeling like a goldfish in a glass bottle growing larger and larger with each breath, his body slowly filling the space around him the walls and people pressing in on the face squeezing the body into its shape. There was a heavy smell of weed and tobacco lingering tightly in the air.

"You okay, babes?" Ebony asked, pulling Theo under her arm and slurring into his ear, which certainly did not help the constriction he was feeling.

"Perfect!" He shouted back over the noise, adding a large, exaggerated nod. She went back to throwing her hands up in the air and he felt a slight release.

There's one thing that Theo knows is a common occurrence with these feelings of suffocation and that is, he needs to get away, try and find a way to save himself. Deep down he knows there is nothing to save himself from except his own fucking brain.

"Toilet." He mumbled to Ebony, so quietly that he doubted she'd even hear him, but he couldn't bring the voice to go louder, plus he'd already begun walking away in the direction of it.

Isla noticed him slipping off and leaned over Ebony's chest to tap Kit.

"Yo, your besties went off, he looked a bit out of it."

Kit glanced around to check if he was somewhere nearby before nodding and shoving through a few people. Everyone seemed to decide to be brick walls and were relentless in their blockage of any movement from him, they'd essentially taken it upon themselves to be the most annoying bodyguard you could fucking be.

After about several shoves from Kit, a few minor spillages (that were made out to be much worse than they actually were), and even more groans and sounds of aggravation from people Kit had managed to get through the barricade.

Luckily for him, Theo was the only one in there so he wouldn't have to knock on every stall in hopes that he'd gotten the right one.

"Hey what's up?" He said, loudly. "Oh, it's Kit by the way in case you thought I was some pedo."

Theo pulled his knees up to his chest and glared at the door in the hopes that if he stayed as still and as quiet as possible he'd fuck off.

"Oh, and you staying quiet isn't going to make me leave by the way." Kit continued.

Theo stomped up from the toilet he'd just wiped piss off and swung the restroom door open, Kit was leaning on the sink and smirked when he met eyes with Theo.

"Explain please!" Kit waved in his face, "If you don't want to be here, we can go somewhere else."

"I'm fine I'm fine." Theo shook his head out.

"You look like Casper the fucking ghost dude." Kit stared at him like a puzzle he had to figure out and put together.

"How are you not drunk?" Theo said, through sharp breaths of pain trying to quiet the rapid breathing in his brain.

"Not about me, are you alright, like seriously?"

Kit's pupils widened and eyes softened, there was something intoxicating about the way he looked at him. Like a tiger eyeing a steak.

"Yes." Theo shot out.


"You really care?" Theo asked, it was meant to be a genuine question but he recognized how accusatory it came out after he said it, and the fact he'd had his fist clenched to try and dig his nails into his palms probably made it look even worse.

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