Chapter 11

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"Have you found anyone?" I entered Sterling's office, shutting the door behind me before walking up to his desk.

He slammed his cellphone down on the table, pinching the bridge of his nose, "No one who is willing." He muttered, growling under his breath.

"It seems I'm not the only one fighting to keep the memories hidden," I say.

He sighed, shaking his head, "I only have access to the ones on the aeterian registry within the packs'."

I nodded, "It's alright."

"No, it's not!" He snapped, his eyes changing color. I jumped, startled by his sudden mood change. I got over it quickly, steadying my racing heart.

"I'm sorry," He mumbled, standing up and coming towards me. I allowed him to pull me to him, tensing in his strong arms. Touching him helps me as much as it does him, but I'm still not used to it, being touched. It's still hard. The urge to pull away is strong, but I'm not repulsed by the action. After a few minutes, he pulled away, hands on my shoulders.

"Getting upset, won't help," I tell him.

He nodded, "I know, I'm just. . . annoyed that no one is willing to help you." He gritted out, tightening his hold. I squirmed my way out of his hands, trying my hardest not to use my abilities to defend myself, but somewhere inside me, I know that isn't necessary.

"You are asking complete strangers to help, people who have their own lives and are working through their own pasts, Sterling. It's no surprise that they're saying no." I said.

He sighed, "I know. . . I know. I just want to help you."

"I know, and I told you I'll try too. Give it time, we'll find someone." I reasoned.

After calming down, he led me out of his office and downstairs to where Evander was sitting in the living room playing a video game. It's weird seeing him like this, an actual kid. I forget he's a child that plays and has fun.

"Hey, Millicent!" He smiled at me, getting back to the game instantly.

"Evander, some of my men will be leaving pack grounds today, infiltrating an RA camp. Care to join?" Sterling asked him.

My eyes snapped to his like he was crazy. Did he seriously just ask Evander to help his men, grown men to take on RA's? The thought of them made me sick to my stomach. I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't Evander's eyes lighting up like a kid on Christmas, standing to his feet excitedly.

"Hell yeah!" Evander was out the door before I knew it and I turned around to face Sterling, angry with him.

"Seriously?" I seethed.

Sterling shrugged, "What? The kid is a trained fighter and his abilities have helped tremendously when it comes to rogues and RA's."

I shook my head at him. Evander isn't my problem, he isn't my child but I still wouldn't want to see him hurt. Knowing that there are still RA's out there on the loose doesn't sit well with me, I hate thinking they're still causing harm to others. The thought enrages me, I should be out there.

"We should go too," I tell Sterling.

He only chuckled, "No."

"No?" I questioned in disbelief. "I'm a trained assassin, I can handle myself."

He smiled, "I know, believe me, but seeing them might trigger something inside of you. It might throw you off."

I exhaled, but he's right. With my past constantly haunting me, I don't want to be a distraction if I do get triggered. I'm glad he doesn't want me to go because of that fact instead of using the excuse of me being his mate. He knows I'm a good fighter, that thought lightens my mood.

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