Chapter 20

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As promised, Sterling woke me up later in the day so I can get ready and see Charm.

My Charm.

The tears rolled down my face freely, I am so happy. After remembering, it's like everything fell into place. The only thing left to worry about is this new generation Athena was telling me about. Charm can't be a part of that, I won't allow it.

Just hours ago Sterling and I were beneath the sheets, how bodies moving in harmony together. Not once did I think of my past or what happened to me, when it comes to Sterling none of it matters. It's hard to believe where I am now as opposed to a few months ago, it's incredible.

"Slow down, she's not going anywhere." Sterling laughed, pulling me into his arms, kissing me.

I breathed him in, so grateful for him, I love him and it's time he knew as much, "I love you." I say, my cheeks flushing at the emotions stirring within me.

He paused, looking down at me with wide eyes before slowly, a grin taking over, "Did that hurt?"

My jaw dropped and I punched him in his chest, "Jerk." I mutter.

He laughed, kissing me again, "I was kidding. I love you too, so much."

I just held him for a few minutes, before remembering what we were doing. I was so excited, I needed to see her. "C'mon, I can't wait any longer." I giggled, pulling him behind me.

Sterling was laughing at the force at which I was pulling him. I was desperate to lay my eyes on my little girl, she is so beautiful, so grown though I know how old she really is. I don't care about the injections she received, I love her no matter what.

We made our way into the dining hall where she was currently eating, but when she spotted me, her eyes widened, and immediately broke away, running towards me.


I dropped to my knees just as she collided into me, I held her tight. I kissed her all over her face, feeling warmth surround me. This, right here, is so perfect. I sighed, picking her up as her little legs wrapped around me so tightly. She barely knows me, but already all of her trust is in me, she is so happy and I'm thankful that Sharon took care of her all this time.

I noticed that Charm wasn't the only child in the room, when a few women stood up, drawing attention, I realized that I recognized all of them. They all remembered, they all held their children's hands. There were five of us total, the only ones whose children all made it. I recall that for some, the experiment didn't go as planned, even for me it took six attempts until I got my Charm. Six babies lost until one was strong enough to grow into a healthy child.

Sharon walked forward, her little blonde-haired daughter skipping beside her. Once they made it to us, the girls giggled, hugging each other before taking off to finish their food.

"Mommy?" I turned around towards Athena who was looking at me in shock, then to Charm, "You're her mother?"

I nodded, beaming, "I would have never remembered if it wasn't for Karina."

Athena was speechless, her partner at her side held her close to his side, Elias was his name.

"I just didn't think it'd be you. I can't believe it. Sharon mentioned that her mother would one day return, always so hopeful, but I never thought. . ." Her words trailed off while she just stared at me. She was surprised, yes, but there is something more, something she isn't telling me.

"Something's wrong," I say, stepping closer to her.

She didn't say anything, her skin paled and she shook her head backing away in thought. She looked at me, then at Sharon who only shook her head at Athena. I didn't like the look they shared, it put me on edge.

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