Chapter 16

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It's been two days since I last saw Karina. I was afraid, both she and Sterling knew it. I didn't feel like continuing, but I knew I had to eventually. I just needed time to prepare myself for the horrors I knew were coming, though that's something even the strongest of us could never truly prepare for.

Leaving our room has been a task all on its own. A few times, I recognized some aeteri that I lived with on Vinco, but I haven't talked to them or gave them the opportunity to talk to me. Talking leads to remembering which then leads to very dark thoughts and tears. I was sick of crying, sick of looking weak. Being weak in front of Sterling was one thing, I didn't mind it so much since he is my mate, and I've grown to actually confide in him but being weak in front of others is something I'm not accustomed to. It's very new and very frightening.

Weakness is vulnerability, I hate being vulnerable.

I know I have to speak to them eventually, along with some others. I'm sure they can give me at least a little bit of information about Xenna and things she may have said to them. Few people have actually spoken to her, but I know some aeteri on Vinco got to talk with her for a short time anyway, maybe she said something to them about what's to come, maybe even something that pertains to my life and I have to find out.

"Hey, Millicent!"

I turned towards Athena who was wobbling her way over to me with a smile, I closed the distance just for her sake since it's probably already a struggle to walk around with such a huge stomach. I still can't believe she's pregnant.

"Hi." I greet her back, walking with her through the halls with no destination in particular. When I woke up, I quietly left the room, letting Sterling have as much sleep as possible. Last night wasn't particularly restful for either of us, especially after the nightmare I had.

When I woke up from it, I couldn't separate reality from my nightmare and when he was above my body trying to calm me down, I got scared and broke his fingers accidentally, thinking he was one of the guards who have come to have his way with me. I apologized of course, though I felt very guilty for the pain I caused. He forgave me, easily falling back asleep but I didn't. I was awake for the remainder of the night and as the sun made its appearance, I left the room just walking around. I'm sure by now it must be late morning.

"How are your sessions with Karina going?" She asked me. I could tell that Karina talked with her already, I see it in her eyes, but humored her question anyway.

"I only had one," I tell her.

She nodded, rubbing her stomach absently. My mind took me back to when Sterling stared at her stomach, wanting what she has so bad, but I'm nowhere near ready and I'm not sure if I'll ever be. Thinking about it made my head hurt so I stopped.

"That's alright. These things take time, there is no rush." She said, going silent beside me.

I got to thinking, maybe Xenna said something to her after we were freed. It was so long ago and I'm not certain since I left shortly after, but it's worth a shot to ask.

"I have a question."

"About Karina?" She questioned.

I shook my head, "About Xenna."

She halted slightly at my words but continued to walk, a frown etching onto her face. She didn't look happy at my request but said nothing of it. By the looks of it, it seems Xenna displeases her as much as she does me.

"What about her?" She asked in a steely voice.

"Did. . . did she ever say anything to you, about. . . the future?" I asked hopefully. I knew my question was risky, one should never mess with time, not even Xenna herself, but she has and it is what it is at this point.

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