Chapter 25

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It was a few hours ago that we all dispersed from one another. The kids were still outside playing while Sterling, Sharon and I were all directed to a guest house. I didn't want to stay here, but there was nothing more we can do until we got a call either from Alec or Xavier himself.

"You were right to propose what you did." Sterling tells me, sitting next to me on the bed in the guest house.

"Was I? I didn't think you agreed." I said.

"Not at first, but after you explained it, I understand. I would much rather accelerate my child's growth than to have them die due to inexperience."

"I feel awful about it." I whispered. He held my face in my hands, turning it up so he can look at me.

"I know you do, but realistically, it's the only way."

His lips met mine tenderly, our emotions in sync while we kissed. I never knew he is what I needed for so long, I never thought I'd have this. He has been by my side since day one even when I treated him coldly, he never left me. Even after this, I was sure he'd get sick of it or of me, but he didn't once indicate he was tired of everything that's happening. Though he hasn't said anything, I am still insecure that he'd change his mind suddenly. I stopped kissing him, pulling back to look at him so I can see if my overthinking was correct.

"What's wrong?" He asked, reading my expression easily.

I didn't know how to voice my thoughts without sounding weak or ungrateful. It seems selfish to bring it up at a time like this. I didn't want Sterling to see me differently or as the girl he first met that didn't care about anything but herself.

His hand found my cheek, he held my face gently, waiting for me to tell him my worries.

"After everything that's happened, do you. . ." I paused, trying to find a better way to ask this.

"Do I. . .?"

My eyes met his, "Do you still. . . love me?" I asked, wincing at how vulnerable I sounded.

He looked surprised. He pulled me closer to him, his eyebrows drawing together in confusion, "Of course I do."

I was quick to defend myself, "I know I'm not a normal person. I could be distant, cold, I'm blunt, I seem to hurt those around me-"

He cut me off with a kiss, gripping my sides firmly. When he pulled away, my eyes were still closed, I was scared that he'd see something in me that will make him change his mind about being with me. I wouldn't blame him.

"Look at me."

I opened my eyes, waiting for rejection.

"I love you so much, Millicent. You do what you have to, you get things done. You can be serious, but you can also be soft and emotional sometimes and that's completely okay. Nothing will ever deter me from you." He said confidently.

"Are you sure?" I whispered, needing that last bit of clarification.

He smiled, "I'm positive."

I don't know how he puts up with me. I'm still learning who I am, I still deal with what I've been through but he is right there with me and assures me he's not going anywhere. I don't deserve this at all, but I don't care.

I practically pounced on him, making him fall back with a laugh as I attacked his lips once more, wanting to take this further with him. He got the hint, flipping us over so he was on top, kissing my lips, my neck, about to go further down when we were interrupted.


I pushed Sterling off of me, looking at the doorway where Charm and Fallon stood holding hands. They watched us with curious eyes, my face turned red at being caught. I don't know what possessed us to not close the door.

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