Chapter 1, The First Encounter.

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March 27, 2015.

So be a decent human being and DON'T STEAL THEM.

Once again, I'm running through my small town Florida park, the swaying palm trees surrounding me. I take a run every morning at 6am exactly, I take it to escape my foster home.

Anyone would want to escape the dump I live in, I really don't even have a right to call it a "home". Afterall, it is just a temporary home, like all the rest.

But I have been the longest at this home... mainly because of the little children who share the house with me. Lucy, Gabe and Aundray.

I smile to myself as I think about how much I adore them.

Lucy's five, she has honey blonde hair, that is so curly it sits just above her shoulders.  She also has beautiful, soft hazel eyes, the kind that draw you in and make your heart ache.

Gabe's eight and has always wore his hair buzz cut style, he says "When it's long I look like a girl!" He's always saying the funniest things. His eyes are a light green, and I always tend to poke his cute little button nose.

Last is Aundray, he's eleven, and well, he's your typical "Leave me alone, I don't need your help." kind of boy. But I know that he does need my help; they all do, and that's why I stay, so I can take care of them.

Our foster parents, John and Helen, are drunks. Oh, and I won't forget to mention how they use drugs very, often. They always come home too late, and they sleep their lazy asses all morning.

Helen, our foster mother of a bitch, is a herion attic. Once I walked in on her wrapping the plastic rubber around her upper arm, she didn't even care I was there and continued with taking the needle and piercing it through her frail skin. Her face distorting into a happy smile as the drug rushed through her veins.

John is another story, when he's drunk, he's abusive. Mostly to Helen, and a tad bit to me, but I can take it. Although there's no way in hell I'd let him put a hand on the little people who share the house with me.

I work a job at the supermarket so I can bring edible food home for Aundray, Lucy and Gabe. Whether that means stealing the food, or actually buying it. I'll almost do anything for these kids. I haven't loved in a long time so I hate to admit it, but I do love them.

Suddenly I hit a wall, and go flying to the ground. Man, you know your minds somewhere else when you run into a wall.

I groan and open my green eyes. A hand is infront of me, and my eyes follow all the way up the arm, until I examine the figures whole body.

Instantly I choke on my breath from the masculine beauty I see when I get to his face.

He has calm blue eyes, almost like the colour of the sky, but much deeper. His face is perfectly chisled, and his cheek bones are so define. His jet black hair is cut kind of short, it's jelled back in the front and shorter on the sides. He must be about 17 or 18, so he's older than my 16 year old self and way out of my league.

"Are you alright?"

My eyes wander to his tight fitting shirt. I can easiley tell that he's more than in shape from the way his man pecks, biceps and abs bulge at the thin fabric of his shirt.

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