Chapter 2, The Abduction.

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Everyone is in pure panic, kids at a younger age are frozen in place, unsure of what's going on as screams and shouts fill the school bus.

The stanger screams at everyone, "Shut up or die!"

Most go silent... except for a jock in the twelfth grade. I don't know him too well, but I have heard he's cocky, rude and considers himself a god.

He decides to speak up.

"Who the hell do you think you are? Get the fuck out of here and kill yourself on the way Robin hood!" Jock boy laughs, shaking his head. "What are you? The new freak in town or something?"

The stranger slowly stalks toward the jock. As if the guy is just a small deer, and he's a huge lion, waiting for the perfect time to pounce on his pray.

"Want to say that again you scrony fuck?" He mutters with a laugh.

"You heard me bastard." And with that the jock decides it's a good time to throw a punch to the strangers face.

The strangers eyes widened, and he grabs the 6'1 football player by his neck, dodging his punch and throws him against the hard bus floor, as if he weighs less then a toothpick.

My breathe hitches, as he begins kicking and punching the poor guy. We all hear bone crushing snaps.

This stranger is crazy... and I can tell that where ever he goes he causes panic. The look on his face while beating this man is horrific. He looks... happy. As if he is enjoying this more than a first trip to an amusment park.

I quickly try to maneuver myself in a position that would block the Lucy from the sick scene before us, and look to Aundray to do the same for Gabe.

"Gabe, Lucy, I need you to follow your older brother out the back door, okay? Aundray, please, please, keep them safe."

I manage to slur out leaning across the aisle a bit so the boys can hear.

I can't help but to think of what will happen to the kids if they stayed. What if they are beaten like this 12th grader!? It's them before me... they have to leave. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if they get hurt or worse. I'll risk anything for these kids, including my life.

"Be strong, I love you guys to the moon and back." I have to turn my head away, as I can't look at their terrified little faces.

"Go." Is the last word I mumble to them. I watch as they run as fast as the can out the back of the bus, slipping out the emergency exit.

I'm glad this rust bucket of a bus is so old that the alarm doesn't go off when it opens.

Lucy looks my way before she leaves. The way she looks at me with those huge hazel eyes, makes my heart wrench.

I'm honestly the closest thing to a mother for her. I can tell she is saying "I don't want to leave without you." with her eyes. She always talks with her eyes, I can also tell she is terrified. And I so want to just dash as fast as I can to her and just comfort her in a bone crushing hug.

These kids make me too sappy.

Aundray gently pushes her from behind, telling her to hurry. They all leave, and are out of sight.

Kids notice them leaving, and in a desperate attempt the start flooding toward the door, but it's slammed shut from the outside before anyone else could get out.

I wonder who shut it... but a feeling hits me, harder than any feeling has and takes away any thoughts about it, it's anger. Anger towards the man that walked onto this bus and acted as if he owned the place. He made my siblings and all the kids on this bus watch a murder, and for that, he'll pay.

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