Chapter 14, So Close To Freedom.

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I'm moving, I swear I am. I feel myself bumping up and down and as I begin to wake I notice the roar of an engine.

I must be in a car.

Without opening my eyes, because I'm simply afraid of who will be next to me, I move my wrists. Lightly pulling on them to see if they're restrained. As I expected, they are.

After fiddling with my feet I know they're also tied up.

Without making any quick or sudden movements I open my burning green eyes.

As I suspected, I'm in a car. My throbbing head is leaning up against the cars glass window, keeping my head still, only my eyes scan the vehicle.

Silas is next to me concentrating on his phone.

No one has noticed I'm awake yet, and I intend to keep it that way.

The bastard that strangled me into unconsciousness is sitting in the front, on the passengers side.

I can't look at who's driving without moving to see him, so I really don't give a shit about him.

Deciding to distract myself, I look out the window. It's dark, really dark. But I watch the palm trees fly by, their huge leaves lit up by the street lights.

I know we're on some road, whether it's a highway, or just some back woods I'm not sure of.

Although, it's been five minutes and I've only seen two other cars, so I have a feeling it's either super late and no one is out driving, or it's just not busy road.

Where are they taking me? Back to the mansion and run down motel?

In a way, I hope they just kill me and get it over with. I'd rather die than watch my siblings get hurt.

But if I do die, there will be no one to protect them.

Thinking about how I'm the one who has bought them a ticket with Drake because of my loud mouth and bitchyness, I'm not sure it would be any worse for them without me.

I'm not the greatest at protecting them, that's for sure.

It hasn't always been like this though, you've always been able to protect them. My mind quickly reasures me, and I guess it's true.

Back at "home", I could always keep them away from harm.

I'd blackmail John and Helen by threatening to call the authorities. This only scared them because they were living off of the cheques they'd receive for taking care of us.

No kids, no cheques, so I could easily manipulate them into staying away from us all.

I wish I could feel that feeling again. The feeling of knowing that I could always protect my siblings, and keep them from harm, just by threatening to call a number.

Now, I have no way to protect them.

I heave a heavy sigh, forgetting about pretending to be asleep.

I know they all noticed.

"Well, shit." I roll my eyes as both Silas and Drake glare at me.

"How long have you been awake for?" Silas questions as him and Drake examine me.

Shrugging my shoulders, I ignore them, and look out the window some more.

I don't feel like talking, but I also know that I won't get away with not answering him.

The sound of fabric against the car's leather makes me wonder, and when I turn my head to look, Silas is no farther than an inch in front of my face.

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