Chapter 9, Surfing.

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Once out the door, I look down at the steep stairs. It's hard to believe Drake carried me up these stairs with absolutely no struggle.

Looking at the steep drop, it looks like an effort just to walk down them.

But before I go and kick some ass. I need a plan.

I sit on the top stair, put my elbows on my knees, and rest my head in my hands. This is the way I think best, no noise, no scenery, just concentration.

I close my eyes.

Images fulfill my mind, the bus, the drive, the long drive way, the mansion, Drake, Scott, the motel.

I know my target is the motel, because that's most likley where Lucy, Gabe and Aundray are being held.

I concentrate as hard as I possibly can. It goes completely quiet, I can't hear anything.

It's working.

The pictures in my mind start to warp, and the only thing I hear is the constant thumps of my heart.

Thump thump, Thump thump, Thump thump.

My mind begins to pull pictures from my memory, and fits them together.

Slowly, the motel forms before me.


Things surrounding the motel also begin to form, bushes, trees, cars, and soon people.

I'm here.

I sigh deeply, and begin to walk towards the motel entrance.

I don't know how I do it, but when I concentrate hard enough, I can picture myself anywhere. It's like I teleport. But no one can see me, nor can hear me.

I'm invisible to everyone around me, and it's the perfect secret weapon.

I call it surfing. Because I can only scratch the surface when doing this.

Much like you touch the surface of water when you surf, you just float along with what the water brings.

When I surf, I can't do anything to the world around me. All I can do is sit and watch, as everything falls into place.

Although, everytime it scares me thinking about how this shouldn't be possible. Quickly I shake it off, as usual, and continue to walk toward the motel.

I enter, and think about where Drake told the men to take Lucy earlier on the bus.

"As you can see, I have someone else to deal with right now. Take her to room 104, I want five people around her, two on the door, three inside the ro-" I cut off the rest of the memory, knowing that it is no use to me.

Again I focuss, and close my eyes.

Room 104.

A feel a swish of wind, and my eyes shoot open. Before me is room 104.

When I was ten I noticed that I was able to do this, ever since I've been trying to get the hang of it.

I look to my left, and see a tall man looking to be about in his twenties, then to my right, a man looking to be about the same age as me.

These must be the two that were to guard Lucy's door outside.

As if I'm a ghost I walk straight through the door, preparing myself for the worst.

What I'm seeing strikes a huge amount of anger within me.

Lucy, with three men surrounding her.

I watch and listen as they take turns asking her questions.

A tall slender guy with dark hair speaks.

"Lucy. I will ask you one more time. Have you ever met Dr. Springer?" He demands.

Dr. Springer? Who's the hell is that?

"N-no. I d-don't know w-what yo-you're t-talking ab-bout!" Lucy hiccups.

He swings his foot back, and slams it into her rib cage. She screams, and begins to ball her eyes out.

I flinch and close my eyes, I want so badly to help her, to punish these men for what they're doing. But I can't.

The worst thing of all, is that Lucy is completely defenceless to these men, they're all at least two times her size.

I stare as she sits with her hands wrapped around her knees, she rocks back and forth. This is too much for her. It's not fair. She doesn't deserve this!

These bastards will pay!

I can't bear to watch this any longer, I decide that standing here isn't helping any, so I leave to find Gabe and Aundray quickly.

I run through walls, searching every room for Gabe and Aundray. But they're not here.

There's so many rooms; one of them I pass through have the three other girls that were thrown in the group with me once we got off the bus.

I get a glimpse, but can't bear to look at and hear what they're going through, so I continue.

Where the hell are the boys!?

I begin to think of the worst possible scenarios. But then shut my mind off to thinking about that, knowing it will only slow me down, and dash out of the motel.

I surf around, seeking to find them. I know that every second I waste is another that Lucy is being beaten. I need to hurry.

Finally, I see them. They're behind the mansion, doing some yard work, with two men laughing and drinking beer while watching.


Then I stand still, and close my eyes. I picture myself as I was before, sitting on the first step, with my head in my hands.

Everything goes quiet, and I wait, then, my eyes snap open.

Readers you're probably very confused! But eventually everything will make sense.

Sorry this was a short chapter, the next one will be long, And I'll post today if you want?

Sincerely, SecretsKeepMeSane. (:

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