29, Apology Pizza.

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"Scarlett, wake up!" Lucy whispers to me.

"Ugh, let me sun bathe in peace child." I mutter playfully; knowing full well she will not leave me alone until she gets what she wants.

"I think you should apologize to Aundray tonight with pizza and board games!" She suggests excitedly.

I sit up straight. "Who exactly decided that I was the one to apologize? Why not Aundray?" I contort my face into a silly expression, making Lucy laugh.

"Well, Auntie Nia says that you adults are the ones who are supposed to take the high road. So she said that meant that you were going to apologize for being mean to Aundray. I think you should do it with pizza. Aundray loves pizza." She smirks. "And I love board games. Don't you think that would be just perfect?"

For a ten year old, she was rather smart at sneaking her way into getting what she desired.

"Okay, okay." I mutter, standing. "I guess since it's a Friday anyways. I'll go order some pizza and you can choose the board game."

She rushes off, clearly pleased with herself.

I walk to Aundray's room, I knock three times and then let myself in. I look to him, he's facing his window and doing bicep curls with his headphones on. I figured it was what he would be doing, which is why I only knocked three times and then barged in. Thankfully I've only caught him one time doing something that he should have been left to do alone in private... which was rather awkward must I say.

I tap his shoulder, and jump onto his bed.

He rolls his eyes, taking off his headphones.

"Sup?" He slurs, exhaustion clearly heard in his voice. He finishes his set, and places the weights on his floor.

"I'm sorry for being so harsh with you Aundray... it was wrong of me. I hope you can forgive me."

"Meh, it's alright Scar. I forgive you." He shrugs, "I'm sorry for getting in trouble so much."

"It's okay." I giggle, punching him in the shoulder as I get up. "Runs in the family. I was the same way in school."

His laugh rings in my ears as I leave his room.

"Nia, I'm going to get some pizza!" She pops up from behind the kitchen counter, her black hair flying as she does so. "Apparently we're having a pizza and board game night, although I have a feeling you already know a little something about that." I glare teasingly.

"Oops!" She smirks, and ducks behind the counter again. I presume to put away the pots and pans piling up in the sink.

I roll my eyes and head outside my apartment door. Slowly making my way down the hallways and then down the stairs, then to my beat up Honda Civic. Usually I'd walk to the destination I needed to get to, as the strip our apartment is on is relatively close in waking distance to everything we need. But it gets too difficult to carry some things home, thus why I choose to drive my car instead.

I drive by my work. A small 80's diner who have treated me incredibly well over the last few years. Then, I take a sharp right and drive by my other work place. A bar called Grimes Grub, I work nights there and am always able to grab a decent tip from being overly flirtatious with some of the customers at the bar.

I park in front of the pizza place, enter and order the same thing I always do. Two garlic fingers and two pizzas; one just pepperoni and cheese and the other an all meat pizza with stuffed crust.

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