Chapter 4, Defeat.

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I can't move, I'm too afraid. But, I can't let that show. Drake doesn't deserve to be satisfied by my fear, I have to show him I'm not afraid... I have to prove I'm strong.

My shirt is still balled up in his fist, he's still holding me up with it, and his lips are curled into the same devilish smirk as before.

Oh how I want to wipe off his smirk with a baseball bat.

What he just growled to me rings through my mind and shakes my every bone. 'You just made a mistake that bought you a ticket to Hell, and babe, I'm Satan.' I try to cut the rest out of my mind.

I can't believe I'm about to make him even more angry, but I need to wipe his smile off that face of his.

I just need to.

I meet Drakes blue eyes, and smile, thinking hard I come up with a smart ass remark.

"I've always wanted a date with Satan. I mean, after all, I've heard he is pretty hot."

Drakes' smile decreases, success!

With another look from Drake, he lets go, and I slump to the floor. Secretly happy to get away from him.

"Tie her up. Make sure it's actually tight this time. Tie the little girl up too, I'm not sure what she's capable of." Drake commands, yet again, what a control freak.

"Why don't we just drug her?" Mark suggests, pointing a finger towards me. "I mean, she's just going to try something again."

"Yea, actually. Do that." Jee, thanks for the idea Mark.

"I honestly would rather not be injected with some kind of unknown drug from you animals." I don't realise I said that out loud, but it is true. For all I know it could be a rape drug, I'd wake up with some guy on top of me.

At least most of the guys here are attractive, My mind counters. I did not just think that, shame on me and my dirty little mind.

"You don't have a say in the matter." Drake reminds me.

"No, no. I do have a say, Human Rights are still active, we are still in Florida after all." That gains a laugh from Scott, and one other guy, the one that was holding Gabe before. Drake scolds them, and they hide their smirks.

"The last thing I care about is Human rights dear, I just killed two men for fuck sakes." Drake chuckles.

I pout, I guess the bastard is right.

Mark pulls a needle out of his pocket, and shakes it a bit, looking at the liquid and smiling. What kind of guy carries around a needle in his pocket?.. I'm pretty sure he's sick in the head.

I can't get drugged though, I need to pay attention to where we are going; although i've barley payed attention this whole ride.

But more importantly, I have to make sure the kids don't get hurt. I have to make sure Drake, or anyone else, doesn't touch Lucy again.

Drake takes the needle from Mark and slowley moves his muscular figure in front of me.

"Please don't." He grabs my arm, ignoring my pleads, and plunges the huge needle into my fragile skin.

I feel a deep sleep taking me, and in no time, I'm unconscious.


My eyes try to open, they take longer then expected, but they open. Trying to rub my head, I realise my hands are restrained, they're connected to a seat. Why am I on a bus? More importantly why am I tie-

"You're finally awake. For a while I thought I killed you." And it all comes back to me with that one familiar masculine voice. I hate that voice, everything about it.

"Ugh, go away" I slur. Turns out my mouth is also restrained in some way, a bandana is around it. So it comes out as "mm mm mm mm" With a roll of my eyes at the end.

"Say what, babe?" He seems amused.

Maybe if I ignore him he'll go away. How long have I been asleep for?

I gaze out the window and watch the trees pass by. They're all different, some pine, some maple, and others I don't reconize.

Wow, Hold up, where's the palm trees!? My eyes widen.

Back in Lake Park, Florida, there was palm trees, we have to be in a new state. I turn to Drake.

Maybe if I put up some charm he'll take this damn thing out of my mouth and let me ask him a few questions. It probably won't work, but honestly, I have nothing better to do.

I look into his blue eyes, they are calm again. Which is good, because when they're calm he's a hell of a lot less scary.

How the hell do I charm him with a bandana in my mouth?

Noticing I was staring at him, he glances at me curiously. His blue eyes meet my green ones.

A staring contest? Bring it on!

I think he realizes I'm challenging him, and he smirks.

After about 10 seconds of staring into his eyes, my own eyes start to twitch. I can't let him win!

15 seconds, his blue eyes stay perfectly focused on my green ones. His isn't even twitching, not the least bit!

20 seconds, I think my eye balls are going to shrivel up like an old mans nuts.
25 seconds, his blue orbs slip downwards, he is still staring at my face, but not my eyes, what is he staring at? My lips? Some emotion takes over his expression, what the hell is that? Lust?

Holy shit.

30 seconds, he blinks! Haaa, quickly he shakes his head, regaining focus on my eyes. I smile, well kind of smile, there is a bandana in my mouth, so it is quite difficult. But I have won, and he knows it.

"Fine, you win. Happy?" He finishes with a roll of his eyes.

Quickly I point to the bandana in my mouth, I really want it out of there.

"Ha, no. I think it's in our best interest for both of us, for me to not hear any of your bitchy remarks." Sigh. What a jerk, maybe if I give him the puppy dog eyes?

I gaze towards him with my huge green eyes, and batt my eyelashes. His eye brows furrow.

"The puppy dog eyes, seriously?" I shrug my shoulders, it was worth the try.

I twist my head back to the window, and continue to scan what we pass by. If we are in a different state, how'd we get past the border?

Looking over the pine and maple trees, I think of the places we can be, and I have no knowledge of anywhere other than Florida, so I come up with nothing.

How long have I been asleep!? Just then my stomac growls, food is the last thing I have on my mind. I've skipped meals before, I'll be fine.

Remembering that Lucy, Aundray and Gabe are also on the bus, I frantically turn my head and search for them.

I breath a sigh of a relief, they all sit in a seat together.

Gabe and Lucy are asleep, and Aundray stays awake, keeping guard. He looks exhausted though, his eyes are blood shot, and he keeps dozing off. Poor little guy. I wish I was by them so he could feel safe and go to sleep.

I turn my head back, and notice the close proximity of Drake, and it makes me uncomfortable. Extremely uncomfortable.

There's no way I will go to sleep with him beside me. With the look he gave me before, there's no telling what he might do if I fall asleep.

I shuffle towards the window a little more, trying to get some much needed space between us.

He beams, and shuffles towards me again. Great, just great. I shake my head and roll my eyes. My word, this is going to be a long trip.


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