Rude awakening

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2 months later

Zary POV 

Today I got a visitor,except it wasn't my family or any one I knew his name was James. "Well uh hello Zaryelle." He said nervesly. "Who are you and how are we talking?" I ask "Well i've been watching you,your in coma been here for two months. You'll be waking up in a few hours to inform you,it's not your time to go yet." He explained. "This is crazy,who are you really?" I asked. "Well i'm James..but your leaving coma land in about six hours so this is goodbye." His voice faded. Was I loosing my mind or something? I sat there until they all came in being loud. "There go yo bae Pedro." Isiah teased. Bae??I suddenly feel the need to barf,that is nasty. "Yea we all know he like her." My dad walked in. "Is that all her hair?" A lady asked. "Yep sure is it's alot right."My dad says. "She's so small and she's a senior in highschool." She says. Deg just got here and you already asking to many questions. They sat in silence for two entire hours. My eyes popped open. I sat there and didn't say a word. "How old is she?" the lady broke it. "18." Pedro answered. "You know eveything about her huh?" She asked cathing an attitude. "pretty much I baby sit her."He says. "What shoe size does she wear what's her favorite color is she an expensive child?" She asked. "3 to a 4,blue,Hell yeah." He answered. He wasn't lying either. "Where's her mother since you know so much." She caught a bigger attitude. "She's dead,why you all up in my buisness for. Shouldn't I be asking you the questions I know them but I don't know you." I say. Pedro's face lit up. "How long you been listening?" My dad asked. "About thirty miuntes." I say sitting up slowly. I called for the nurse,she brought water in and fluffed my pillows. "Are those your real eye color."She asked. "Kill her before I do,They wouldn't be contacts." I say. "Be respectful to you step mother." My dad said. "I'm good just as long as she knows I'm the queen of that palace." I say. "I'm the queen now you can be the princees." She smiles. "I been queen since I was six,it's staying that way until I move out. Then i'll be queen of my own palace." I smile. Her smile faded. "Baby tell her i'm the queen." She whined. "Don't choose a hoe over your family.You lose em' daddy." I say. "Stop be nice Zaryelle." He said. I reached for my water but stopped because I felt i pain in my right side. I stoped breathed and grabed my water. "So who ya gonna choose??" She asked smiling in his face. I drunk some of my water. "She has been the only female in the house for twelve years,she would feel unwanted if she wasn't."My dad looked at her. Her smile faded once again. "Your choosing a brat over me." She said. I waved my dad and the boys out the way and threw my water on her. I hadn't realized I was having a pain in my arm until I pulled my arm back. She looked at my dad. He lloked at me. I was holding my arm and looking at the blanket. My arm was killing me. "stop both of you." He says. "can I talk to them three alone?" I asked. "Yeah." My dad lead her out the room. They bust out laughing after the door closed. "Ion like her already." I say. "We can tell." They say. "As soon as i'm not in pain imma fight her." I say. "Princess' don't fight." Pedro laughed. "Naww fuck that this one do. So you do like me??" I smile. "Yeah,sure I guess you can say that." He says. "No hugs or anything??" I asked. Me Jose nd Isiah group hugged. Pedro took his time getting to me. He kissed me then hugged me. "Welcome back kid." He sat down again. "What was that??" I asked laughing. "Looked like a kiss to me." Jose said. "That's what it felt like..but I mean it ain't the first time.." I look off. "Soo who wha??" They said. "It won't the first time...he was actually my first kiss." I admit. They heads jerked back. "Never really had the chance too,I always had some kind of guard around." I say. They shook their heads. We sat and chilled for while,the doctor came in. Some reason my heart started beating extra fast. "Well hello how are you, your very healthy at this moment. Yet still oso very weak. You will be released tomorrow morning at eight and have a very nice day." He walked out. I hope I still remember how to drive and walk nd stuff. Thoses ae the basics for someone my age by now." I thought. They all looked at me. "Who wants to come get me tomorrow?" I asked. They looked at Pedro,even I did. "Yeah,sure i'll do it." He says. I clapped my hands. "Yeah so Does anyone have my phone?" I asked. "Nope,yo pops told you leave it at home the day everything happened." Pedro answered. "What exactly happened?" I asked. They looked at eachother. "Who wants to tell her." Isiah said,that ment he wasn't doing it."So while we were doing the drop some shot gap penned." Pedro says."Dint best song the Bush." I say. "After we got you out the house safely, you were in the car he started shooting at the car. Hit the driver. Car flipped, got you out you were still conscious then you passed out you were all body and everything, gotta say ain't never been that scared of losing some one before." He says. "Aww, y'all can't live with out me." I chuckle. "Pedro, can't." José says. "You can't either." I say. "But I need you most." Pedro says. "It's okay." I kiss his cheek. He looked at me like I wasn't myself. "Dang, spp starting." I say. "I mean when you see something add beautiful as you, you can't just stop starting." He says. "Thanks." I flip my hair. We laughed and talked a little longer till they got called into work. I am they work. I thought. But today the ride bitch was disgusting. Also a rude awakening. Nite I'm sleepy.

Sorry I took sip long on this one you guys but Herr it is Endicott, if you don't like it then giving don't like it....have a very nice day and remain Namaste

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