Chapter 8 - Our Connection

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(This chapter includes light cursing. Decided to just warn y'all, it has one curse word near the end.)

The words froze both you and Neo. You turned around and looked at him. He had his usual suit and sunglasses on. He wore an emotionless look. "Smith? Is everything alright?" You asked walking forward. He stayed silent. "You didn't answer any of my messages. I thought the worst!" You started getting angry. He was ignoring you! His face held no real emotion. Neo hurried to your side. Smith's eyes set on The One who was standing next to you. "Surprised to see me?" He spoke finally. "No." Neo stated and you looked at him in disbelief. He knew? Well the One probably knows about everything. "Then you're aware of it." Smith stated. "Of what?" Neo asked. 

You had fallen quiet. "Our connection. I don't fully understand how it happened. Perhaps some part of you copied onto me whilst my programming. That is at this point irrelevant, what matters is that whatever happened, happened for a reason." He stated. "And what reason is that?" Neo asked. "I killed you, Mr. Anderson, I watched you die... With a certain satisfaction, I might add, and then something happened. Something that I knew was impossible, but it happened anyway. You came back to life." Your eyes widened at his statement. He enjoyed killing Neo? 

"Afterward, I knew the rules, I understood what I was supposed to do but I didn't. I couldn't. I was compelled to stay, compelled to disobey. And now here I stand because of you." He suddenly looked at you. "Miss (Y/l/n), because of you I'm no longer an agent of the system, because of you I've changed." He held a small break before continuing. "I'm unplugged, so to speak, apparently free like you." You felt your eyes filling with tears. What was he talking about? Just a week ago he had spoken of how he loved you. Now, he sounded almost bitter with his words. 

"Congratsulations." Neo stated. His voice held no emotion. "Thank you. But as you well know, appearances can be deceiving, which brings me back to the reason why we're here. We're not here because we're free, we're here because we're not free. There's no escaping reason, no denying purpose, because as we both know, without purpose, we would not exist." Smith stated. Suddenly you heard another voice. Identical to Smith's. "It is purpose that created us," He stated. You and Neo watched him arrive from the shadows. A clone. "Purpose that connects us," Another Smith. "Purpose that pulls us," "That guides us," "That drives us," You were slowly surrounded by Smith clones. "It is purpose that defines," "Purpose that binds us." You felt terrified. How were there this many Smith's? 

"We're here to take from you what you tried to take from us, Mr. Anderson." The first Smith stated. You could feel that this was not going in a good direction. Then suddenly the first Smith stuffed his hand threw Neo's chest. "Purpose." The other Smith's grabbed you so you couldn't help Neo. "NO!" You screamed as you tried to break free from their grips. There were too many Smith's. You were no match for their combined agent like strenght. Smith was infecting Neo with some black substance that came from his hand. It was covering his torso. "NEO YOU NEED TO FIGHT IT!" You screamed still trying to get the others to let you go. "Yes, that's it, it'll be over soon." The first Smith whispered. Suddenly the substance stopped. It tried to proceed but it couldn't. Smith looked angry and confused. Then the substance started to retreat. Neo held onto Smith's arm and pulled it out of his chest. 

The fighting began, the Smith's let go of you and tried to attack Neo. You decided to try and help him. But knew you weren't of much use. The small plaza was filling with Smith's. You felt kind of useless. Suddenly all the Smiths started to pile on Neo. You were mids fight and only noticed when the Smiths were sent flying. Eventually you knew you couldn't help any more. Just when you felt the most useless you felt someone grab onto you. You were about to start hitting them when you realized it was Neo. You wrapped your arms around him tightly. It was time for a tactical retreat. You flew away. You looked at the huge group of Smith's once more before you set your head against Neo's shoulder. 

"What the HELL was that!?" Link asked as he looked at Neo with wide eyes. "Are you all right?" Trinity asked kneeling in front of Neo who was still sitting. Neo nodded gently. Patience was next to Trinity. Patience saw the couple as her parents. And they sure acted like they were her parents. "It was Smith." Morpheus stated matter of factly. Neo glanced at you before looking back at Morpheus and answering. "Yes." You still sat on your chair. You had pulled up your knees on the chair and stayed quiet. You held back tears as you processed what had just happened. "Everything alright, (Y/n)?" Tank asked gently leaning against the operator's table. "Yeah." You tried to stop a voice crack but it was of no use. 

"Now there's more than one of him." Morpheus continued in thought. "A lot more." Neo answered with a stern look. "How's that possible?" Nova asked. "I don't know.. Somehow he's found a way to copy himself." Neo stated looking shocked. "Is that what he was doing to you?" Morpheus asked.  "I don't know what he was doing, but I know what it felt like." Neo stated recalling the terrible feeling. "What?" Phoenix asked finally speaking. "Felt like I was back in that hallway. Felt like dying." Trinity took Neo's hand and gave it an assuring squeeze. 

"We shouldn't have trusted him. Agents are unpredictable." You raised your gaze. Even if he had done wrong, you still loved him. "He isn't an agent anymore. And that is not the Smith I know!" You hissed at Morpheus, tears threatening to spill. "Why exactly did he act that way?" Nova asked tilting his head slightly. "No one knows.." Neo answered seeing how hard this was for you. Morpheus sighed. "There is no reason to argue about this. We'll just have to keep away from him." Morpheus stated. You couldn't listen to him anymore. Even if he acted this way, he was still the captain. So you got up and ran off to your room.

Emotions are complex //SEQUEL TO THE AGENT SMITH X READER "HE IS A PROGRAM"//Where stories live. Discover now