Chapter 20 - There can only be one

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(The end is here, lads. So yeah. I'm gonna miss this series but it has gone on for this long. Thank you for all the support from all of you and I could've never made it this far without you guys. Now. Back to the story.)

"I truly hope so."

And with that Smith entered. The only words you made out before the door closed was. "My fellow Smiths, welcome." You were going to hide under the stairs. You sneaked down there and made sure no one spotted you as you leaned against the wall.

You heard footsteps. Surprisingly light.. They sounded like.. Heels? And you saw an agent rush down the stairs. "Bennington!?" You gasped quietly. She turned to look at you. She looked like she'd been though hell. Her suit was messed up and covered in dried blood. "(Y/n)!? No, no-." You wrapped her in a hug. "Are you alright? You should be a Smith by now." "They tortured me for knowledge but I wouldn't pudge. Then they wanted me to become a double agent. Lucky for me I have the will of an ox!" She tried to strike a pose but whimpered and covered one of her ribs. You presumed that it had been broken at some point. "But you shouldn't be here! You should be as far away from here as possible." She rambled nervously. Bennington looked on the verge of tears. "Why? T-this is our mission, Ben. We need to get information for the others and try to distract the Smiths whilst Neo bargains with the machines."

"They want you here. You gotta get Smith and get the hell out of here! Before it's too late." You paled and quickly hurried up the stairs. Bennington followed behind. "You should-" "No. I am NOT leaving you here alone. The building is full of those smug prick faces and I will not let you go on your own." She assured. You nodded. There was no time to argue. 

You opened the door to the great hall. "Ah. Miss (Y/l/n). You sure took your time." The clone at the other side of the hall spoke with a smug smile. The Smiths were standing at the middle of the room but they had left a walkway to the back where the main clone stood. Another clone stood next to the Smith on stage. "No hard feelings, (Y/n)." He said. "Don't worry, your precious boyfriend is all good. In fact. He is the main guest of honor." The main clone moved aside and revealed Smith tied down to a chair. He had taken a few good punches to the face. The main clone looked pretty much identical to him. Smith had not gone down without a fight. You frowned worried. "It was honestly all too easy." The Smith teased with a mean grin. "Let. Him. Go." "And why would I? The real show is only about to begin." He announced before ceremonially clapping his hands. 

The Smith clones attacked right away. You and Bennington fought them off but Bennington was at a clear disadvantage. She took a hit to the chest and collapsed to the floor. "Ben!" You turned to look and were about to run over to her when the Smiths overpowered you. You were left face against the floor with Smiths pinning you down. "Alright good. Now bring them both over here. Come on we have a scheduel." You and Bennington were brought in front of the Smith that was in charge. "Wakey-wakey, lover boy." The Smith slapped the real Smith and you tried to charge at him but the clones held you still. The real Smith blinked rapidly and came back around. He looked around, his pale eyes filled with panic. "Alright good. Now. Since you were a bad boy and stuck with the red pills.. You're gonna need a punishment." The clone looked between you and Bennington. "No! Leave them out of this! It's me you want you sick freak. They shouldn't have to suffer for my actions." The clone smiled and sighed happily. "Now's a little too late for that.. Smithy." His words must've felt like a stab based on the real Smith's expression. This clone was clearly out for revenge and blood. And with that he stuck his hand into your chest. 

"NOOOOOO!" Smith struggled in the chair and he had to be held still by the clones. "LET HER GO! Please!" "(Y/n)!" Bennington coughed out. You struggled, your eyes watering violently as the coldness was overtaking you. The panic bubbled inside you but you tried to look calm. You smiled gently at Smith. The dark goo reached your neck and you closed your eyes. When suddenly someone crashed threw the wall and ripped the clone from your chest.  He threw the clone through the wall he had broken. "Neo!" You smiled widely as the one landed next to you. "Thank you for the extra time. Surprised to see you, Bennington." "Always nice to see you in one piece, hacker Jesus." Bennington smirked getting up.

Emotions are complex //SEQUEL TO THE AGENT SMITH X READER "HE IS A PROGRAM"//Where stories live. Discover now