Chapter 10 - "A kiss"

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(Hello. It has been a while.. I finally found inspiration to write again when a friend drew me a picture of Smith. Sorry for taking so long. But anyway I hope you enjoy this ^_^)

You followed after the Merovingian's wife, Persephone. She led you to a bathroom. Someone was using the bathroom but noticed the crew and hurried off. Persephone walked in front of the large mirror that covered the back wall. She took her lipstick from her small purse and started applying it on her lips as she preached. "I'm so sick of his bullshit. On and on, pompous prick. A long time ago, when we first came here, it was so different. He was so different. He was like you." Persephone confessed her eyes landing on Neo's reflection in the mirror. She put her lipstick away and turned around to continue whilst holding intense eyecontact with Neo. "I'll give you what you want. But you have to give me something in return." She stated walking closer. "What?" Neo asked simply. 

"A kiss." 

"Excuse me?" Persephone paid no mind to Trinity. She pointed her slim finger at Trinity as she spoke. "I want you to kiss me as if you were kissing her." "Why exactly?" Neo questioned looking at Persephone. "You love her and she loves you. It's clear. A long time ago, I knew what that felt like. I want to remember it. I want to sample it. That's all, just a sample." Trinity drew her gun and pointed it at the dark haired woman's face. "Why don't you sample this instead." You grabbed onto her shoulder in hopes of calming her down enough to stop her from threatening the program. You disliked Persephone but she was your best shot. You'd have to play her games to find what you were looking for. "Trinity." Morpheus commanded calmly and Trinity put her gun away with a light huff. "Such emotion over something so small. It's just a kiss." Persephone wore a mischievous grin as she teased. "Why should we trust you?" You asked staring daggers at the program. "If I don't deliver you to the Keymaker, she can kill me." She vowed glancing at Trinity. "All right." Neo stated about to lean in. "But you have to make me believe I am her." Persephone reminded. Neo let out a quiet sigh. After a moment of collecting himself together, he said. "All right." He slowly reached for his glasses. He tucked them away. He looked into the woman's eyes. You felt the pure anger coming from Trinity as Neo slowly leaned in and kissed Persephone.

Neo let go of Persephone's lips soon enough. "Ahh, yes. That's it." Persephone whispered feeling her lips with her finger tips. "I envy you. But such a thing is not meant to last." She finished the sentence with a knowing smirk. "Come with me." Persephone turned around to lead you out of the bathroom. As you started following Persephone, Morpheus suddenly spoke to you. "You should get us a vehicle ready for when we get the Keymaker." You gave him an assuring nod and started walking away. It felt wrong to leave Neo behind since it was your duty to protect him but it was the captains order. You soon came across a black car. It had slightly darker windows. You opened your phone and called the Operator. "How can I help you?" Tank asked. "I really need a key to this vehicle. I had to get one for the crew." You answered. "Alright. One key coming up." Suddenly a key appeared on the ground. You picked it up. "Thank you, Ta-" You were distracted by distant footsteps that echoed threw the parking hall. 

"Miss (Y/l/n)." You closed the phone call eventho you heard Tank try to command you to run. "Smith." You said turning around facing him. "We meet again." His tone was cold, once again. It gave you goosebumps. This was the tone he used when he dealed with his cases or with other agents aside from Bennington. "What happened to you Smith? Was it something I did?" "It was inevitable." He stated not really answering your question. You sighed. The sigh was slightly shaky. "Why are you here?" You asked looking up at him. "I must destroy the last spark of light in our way." He explained. You noticed that he had started taking slow steps forward. "I must destroy you, Miss (Y/l/n)." He stated simply as he stopped in front of you and suddenly tried to infect you by stuffing his hand threw your chest. You held onto his hand and tried to keep it from touching you. He was stronger than you, you had to admit it. But you could use your techniques against him. You could use all the things Neo, Morpheus and even Smith had taugh you. He had left his chest unguarded so a good kick could do the job. You acted on your chance. Soon Smith was sent back. You continued the fight and examined his fighting style.

"Stop resisting. This can be easy!" He hissed. His voice still held its usual smoothness. "I don't want to fight you! But I will if you don't stop this madness!" You yelled tears stinging the corners of your eyes. You shook slightly but hoped Smith didn't notice. He attacked you. But there was something you had noticed after a short while of examining. He used his usual tactics. The same he used during your training together. Somehow you could see the moves in your mind. You had seen him beat you with all these moves before! You could use your knowledge against him. 

He kicked you but you dodged swiftly. Then you took his leg and pulled it roughly causing him to fall to the floor. You let go of his leg. He used his other leg to try and sweep you off your feet. You dodged smoothly. You pressed your knee against his chest. He let out a wheeze as the air left his lungs. "I want things to be like they were! We were happy. Don't you remember?" You looked down at him. Suddenly you saw a sinister grin appear on his lips. It made you shiver. Before you could ask why he was smiling in this situation you felt a hand pierce threw your back. You let out a scream of agony and surprise. "You sadly forgot the fact that I'm not alone, Miss (Y/l/n)." He stated moving your leg off of him and sitting up. Tears ran down your face. Neo was right. This felt exactly like dying. "W-why?" You asked but it came out more as sobs. "I told you why. Now just relax. The feeling will be over soon." You felt hopeless as you were devoured by the black substance. Soon everything was pitch black. 

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